Characterization of qubits in CMOS compatible silicon nanostructures

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CNR-IMM, Unit of Agrate Brianza
1 November, 2016


CNR-IMM, Unit of Agrate Brianza
Via C. Olivetti 2
Agrate Brianza 20863
Phone: 0039 0396036540

Within the European Project (MOS-QUITO) we are looking for a candidate who has a background in the characterization of qubits. He/she will use his/her expertise in this area to perform the initialization, manipulation and readout of the qubit state. In particular, qubit based on spin-charge states in double quantum dots will be investigated at 300 mK. The candidate should have outstanding qualifications with a PhD in physics, electrical engineering or a related subject. Experience with the design of PCB boards and electrical characterization with cryogenic set-ups is required. He/she should be highly motivated, proactive and creative in order to be successful, and should have excellent team and communication skills.

The position is for 1 year renewable up to 2 years.

Contact Person: Dr. Marco De Michielis +39 039-6036540 Marco [dot] DeMichielis [at] mdm [dot] imm [dot] cnr [dot] it