3-year junior position

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Institut Langevin, Paris (France)
31 March, 2012


48° 51' 23.8104" N, 2° 21' 7.9992" E

In the context of a 5-year european project, we are offering a 3-year junior position at Institut Langevin, in ESPCI ParisTech, Paris, aiming at young researchers with a PhD and 0-3 year postdoc experience.

Wave propagation in complex (disordered) media stretches our knowledge to the limit in many different fields of physics. In optics, it is of great importance in photonic devices, such as photonic crystals, plasmonic structures or random lasers. At Institut Langevin in Paris, we have recently demonstrated that wavefront shaping is a tool of choice to match and address the huge complexity of this problem in optics [1-3]. The goal of the team is to extend this idea further, in particular for imaging (ex: deep microscopy), for nanophotonics (ex: controlling a nano-object), as well as to address important fundamental questions, such as Anderson localization. We are launching an experimental project aiming at a full spatial and temporal control of a nano-object in a complex environment.

We are looking for a motivated candidate, with a strong background in physics and with prior experience in experimental optics, particularly in the field of femtosecond science, non-linear optics, nanophotonics, or quantum optics, but other candidates with an excellent track record are welcome. Most importantly, we are looking for a good physicist with an ability to work in a team, and a taste for challenging experiments. The candidate will have the opportunity to interact both with PhD students and with international collaborators.

The position will include a teaching duty of approximately 120 hours/year at the master level. Good pedagogical skills and a taste for teaching are therefore also required.

The position is available now. Salary will depend on the experience of the candidate but starts at approximately 2300 net/month. The application, comprising a detailed C.V., a statement of interest, and the name and contact of two references, should be sent via email to:

Dr. Sylvain Gigan
Email: sylvain [dot] gigan [at] espci [dot] fr
Webpage: http://www.institut-langevin.espci.fr/

[1] S. Popoff et al., PRL 104, 100601 (2010)
[2] S. Popoff et al., Nature Communications, 1, 78 (2010)
[3] D. McCabe et al. Nature Communications 2, 447 (2011)

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