2.5 yr postdoc position on BEC interferometry

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Stratchclyde, UK
12 July, 2013


University of Strathclyde
107 Rottenrow East
Glasgow G4 0NG
United Kingdom

We would like to advertise two postdoc positions, one at Stratchclyde and one at St Andrews, to work on a Leverhulme-funded joint project on novel ring traps for precise rotation sensing. The Strathclyde part of the project will be on BEC interference in a large (10cm diameter) magnetic ring trap, while the St Andrews experiment will be on BEC superfluidity in holographically-generated optical traps.

We would be very grateful if you could forward this message to anyone who might be interested, and if you could display the attached poster on notice boards in your department. The deadline for the Strathclyde post is 12th July, while the St Andrews post will open later in the year:

Full advert and application procedure: 


With many thanks and best regards,

Aidan Arnold and Donatella Cassettari

Dr. Aidan Arnold
Department of Physics
University of Strathclyde
107 Rottenrow East
Glasgow G4 0NG
United Kingdom
aidan [dot] arnold [at] strath [dot] ac [dot] uk
Ph: (+44) 141 548 3357