2 Post-Doctoral Positions in Applied Superconductivity

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Quantum Transport Group, Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, TU Delft
15 April, 2011


Delft University of Technology
Lorentzweg 1
Delft 2628 CJ
Phone: 31152786097 or 31152786064
52° 0' 3.2112" N, 4° 22' 26.6484" E

The Quantum Transport group of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, Delft is looking for two motivated post-docs in experimental applied superconductivity.

Topic 1: Quantum measurement and feedback control of superconducting quantum circuits

The new superconducting circuits group is developing quantum feedback control schemes based on circuit quantum electrodynamics, with applications in quantum information processing. We are developing a toolbox of quantum measurements and control techniques with the aim of closing the feedback loop required for quantum error correction. Join our effort to make an engineered qubit live forever!

Topic 2: Majorana Fermions in Super/Semi Nanostructures

We are hunting for Majorana Fermions in circuits of superconducting elements integrated with semiconducting nanostructures. The Majorana Fermions can in principle be used as topologically protected qubits with (infinitely?) long coherence time. An important hurdle is to control the poisoning by quasi-particles in the superconductors. We are looking for a postdoc candidate with experience on nanoscale superconductor devices.

For both positions, a background in cryogenics, microfabrication, microwave electronics and applied superconductivity are highly desirable. Fluency in spoken and written English are essential.  Excellent communication and team skills are a major plus.

Interested candidates should please contact Drs. Leo DiCarlo (l.dicarlo[at]tudelft.nl, +31152786097) and/or Leo Kouwenhoven  (l.p.kouwenhoven[at]tudelft.nl, +31152786064) to learn further details about the advertised positions, including salary and selection criteria. A complete application consists of two recommendation letters, a Skype interview and eventually an interview in Delft.

Keywords: applied superconductivity, quantum information science, quantum engineering

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