2 Post Doc positions in entanglement detection and sensing

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QSTAR Florence
10 April, 2019


Largo enrico Fermi 6
Florence 50125
Dear members of 'The QUROPE mailing list',

We announce the opening of two post-doc positions at the QSTAR theory group in Florence, Italy. 
The research topic is "multimode entanglement" with applications to sensors and quantum networks. 
The ideal candidate should have a PhD degree in physics and a background on theoretical 
quantum information and/or quantum metrology.

The workplace is located on the beautiful hill of Arcetri in Florence, in the former 
Physics department building that now also hosts the GGI conference center 
(Galileo Galilei Institute) where workshops with topics from highenergy to condensed 
matter and quantum information are routinely organized. The research group is affiliated 
with the LENS and the INO-CNR institutes.

The position is funded by a FLAGSHIP project. The term of the appointment is two years 
with a possible extension of one further year.

Please send your CV to augusto [dot] smerzi [at] ino [dot] it and luca [dot] pezze [at] ino [dot] it. The
deadline for application is 10/04/2019.