Single Quantum

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Single Quantum is located in Delft, the Netherlands. As a spin-off of the Technical University in Delft, we have strong connections with the latest innovations from the Zwiller lab.

Single Quantum develops and builds superconducting nanowire single photon detector systems for the most demanding applications.

  • Unparalleled detection efficiency for near infrared wavelengths
  • Sensitive from the UV to the mid infrared
  • 2-4 fiber-coupled independent detectors per system for multiple simultaneous measurements
  • Robust and reliable fiber coupling improves accuracy and reduces breakdowns
  • Lowest dark count for NIR single photon detectors on the market
  • Short dead time, excellent time resolution and no afterpulsing


Van der Waalsweg 8
52° 0' 3.2508" N, 4° 22' 32.2032" E
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