Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics

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The Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics (MIFP) is a virtual institute uniting over 190 physicists from EU, USA, China, Russia, Australia, Latin America. Its goal is promotion of international research projects involving European scientists currently based oversees. The Scientific Council of MIFP is headed by Prof. Boris Altshuler (Columbia university, New York). The Scientific Director of MIFP is Prof. Alexey Kavokin (Southampton university, UK, CNR-SPIN, Italy, Russian Quantumm Center). MIFP involves a plethora of leading theoretical quantum physicists, e.g. Alexey Efros, Igor Aleiner, Yuri Galperin, Andrey Varlamov, Vladimir Agranovich. It organises several series of international conferences and schools including the international conference on Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures, TERAMETANANO, Nanophotonics and Photovoltaics, 2D Crystals workshop, Polaritonics. MIFP is eager to take part in the Flagship as a high level international research group specialised in theoretical quantum physics, quantum simulations, BEC, BCS, topological systems, spintoronics.

Alexey Kavokin


Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics
31, Appia Nuova
Rome 00031
Phone: 393473474341