Research Groups

Our collection of research groups working in the field of Quantum Information Technologies.

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Group Institution City Country
Nanospin, Néel Institut Institut Néel, CNRS Grenoble France
laboratory for quantum electronic transport and superconductivity (LaTEQS) CEA-Grenoble Grenoble France
Quantum information with semiconductor nanostructures Institut Neel Grenoble France
Nanospintronic and Molecular Transport Institut Neel Grenoble France
Quantum Coherence Institut Neel Grenoble France
INRIA SECRET INRIA - Projet SECRET Le Chesnay Cedex France
Quantum Device Group Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon Lyon France
Solid State Quantum Optics group Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Marcoussis France
CaNa --- Natural Computation research group CaNa --- Natural Computation research group Marseille France
Confinement d'Ions et Manipulation Laser Aix-Marseille University/CNRS Marseille France
Point-like defects in solid state Laboratoire Charles Coulomb Montpellier France
Theory of light-matter and quantum phenomena University of Montpellier, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) Montpellier France
Solid-State Quantum Technologies Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, UMR5221, CNRS and Université de Montpellier Montpellier France
Guided Wave Optics Universite de Nice - Sophia Antipolis Nice France
Laser and optics group Laboratoire Aime Cotton Orsay France
Laboratoire Aimé Cotton - Correlated Cold Matter Laboratoire Aimé Cotton Orsay France
THEOMOL Laboratoire Aimé Cotton Orsay France
Optique et matériaux pour le traitement de l’information Laboratoire Aimé Cotton Orsay Cedex France
Dynamics of Ions, Radiation, Atoms and Molecules (DIRAM) - ISMO ISMO - Université Paris-Sud ORSAY cedex France
Groupe d'Optique Quantique - Institut d'Optique Laboratoire charles Fabry de l'Institut d'Optique Orsay Cedex France
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