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Format: 2024-07-17
Format: 2024-07-17
Format: 2024-07-17
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Post Date Type Title
2012-03-22 05:41 PR Activity Measuring the temperature dependence of individual two-level systems by direct coherent control
2012-03-22 05:15 Publication Readout of a qubit array via a single transmission line
2012-03-22 05:51 Publication Detecting phonon blockade with photons
2012-03-22 05:18 Publication Aluminum hard mask technique for the fabrication of high quality submicron Nb/Al–AlOx/Nb Josephson junctions
2012-03-22 05:55 Publication Josephson current in a four-terminal superconductor/exciton-condensate/superconductor system
2012-03-22 05:23 PR Activity Incoherent microwave-induced resistive states in Josephson junctions
2012-03-22 05:57 Publication Persistent Spin Oscillations in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Superconductor
2012-03-21 11:26 PR Activity Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits
2012-03-21 21:34 Story Coherent Frequency Conversion in a Superconducting Artificial Atom with Two Internal Degrees of Freedom
2012-03-21 07:51 PR Activity Investigating Relativistic Quantum Field Theory in Superconducting Circuits
2012-03-21 02:34 PR Activity Operating an elementary quantum processor with quantum speed-up
2012-03-21 10:39 Publication Characterization of a microwave frequency resonator via a nearby quantum dot
2012-03-21 20:53 PR Activity Implementation of a Toffoli Gate with Superconducting Circuits
2012-03-21 22:30 PR Activity Experiments using flux qubits
2012-03-21 11:32 PR Activity Distributing Quantum Information with Microwave Resonators in Circuit QED
2012-03-21 21:41 PR Activity Coherent Frequency Conversion in a Superconducting Artificial Atom with Two Internal Degrees of Freedom
2012-03-21 07:59 Publication Single-Shot Measurement of Triplet-Singlet Relaxation in a Si/SiGe Double Quantum Dot
2012-03-21 02:41 PR Activity Readout of superconducting quantum bits
2012-03-21 10:44 Publication Benchmarking a Quantum Teleportation Protocol in Superconducting Circuits Using Tomography and an Entanglement Witness
2012-03-21 20:56 PR Activity Overview of Activities at ETH Zurich
2012-03-21 22:43 Publication Lasing, trapping states, and multistability in a circuit quantum electrodynamical analog of a single-atom injection maser
2012-03-21 11:36 PR Activity Symmetry-selective Rabi oscillations and observation of subradiance in circuit QED
2012-03-21 21:49 PR Activity A superconducting artificial atom with two internal degrees of freedom
2012-03-21 08:02 Publication Coupling artificial molecular spin states by photon-assisted tunnelling
2012-03-21 02:50 PR Activity Quantum process tomography and running Grover’s algorithm on a 2 transmon processor
2012-03-21 10:52 PR Activity The vision of the future in quantum research
2012-03-21 20:58 PR Activity Hybrid Cavity QED with Rydberg Atoms and Circuits
2012-03-21 01:26 Story Quantum processors
2012-03-21 22:46 Publication Lasing and transport in a quantum-dot resonator circuit
2012-03-21 11:40 PR Activity Integration of quantum dots with superconducting microwave circuits
2012-03-21 21:53 PR Activity A superconducting artificial atom with two internal degrees of freedom
2012-03-21 08:05 Publication Efficient controlled-phase gate for single-spin qubits in quantum dots
2012-03-21 06:43 Publication Demonstration of a Single-Photon Router in the Microwave Regime
2012-03-21 22:49 Publication Dual-probe decoherence microscopy: probing pockets of coherence in a decohering environment
2012-03-21 10:56 PR Activity Auf dem Weg zum Schweizer Supercomputer
2012-03-21 21:13 Publication Nonlinear Coupling between the Two Oscillation Modes of a dc SQUID
2012-03-21 06:46 Publication Activation mechanisms for charge noise
2012-03-21 01:44 PR Activity Strong Coupling of a Spin Ensemble to a Superconducting Resonator
2012-03-21 11:47 PR Activity Coupling a double quantum dot to a microwave resonator
2012-03-21 21:56 PR Activity Quantum dynamics of superconducting nanojunctions
2012-03-21 08:08 Publication Spin dynamics in the optical cycle of single nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamond
2012-03-21 22:52 Publication Influence of two-level fluctuators on adiabatic passage techniques
2012-03-21 10:59 PR Activity Eliminating errors in quantum computing
2012-03-21 21:17 Publication Asymmetric Cooper pair transistor in parallel to a dc SQUID: Two coupled quantum systems
2012-03-21 06:48 Publication Coupling of an erbium spin ensemble to a superconducting resonator
2012-03-21 01:57 PR Activity Nonlinear circuit QED : coupling a qubit to an anharmonic resonator
2012-03-21 11:58 PR Activity Exploring the Quantum Physics of Light with Micro- and Nanoelectronic Circuits
2012-03-21 22:00 PR Activity Introduction to superconducting junctions and proximity effect
2012-03-21 08:11 Publication Controlling the quantum dynamics of a mesoscopic spin bath in diamond
2012-03-21 11:03 PR Activity Quanten, Bits und Computer - Neue Perspektiven in der Informationstechnologie