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Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16
Format: 2024-07-16
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Post Date Type Title
2010-02-09 15:21 News Q-ESSENCE kick-off meeting
2010-02-09 12:47 Job Technical Sales Executive – Scientific Instrumentation
2010-02-08 15:04 Research Group CaNa --- Natural Computation research group
2010-02-08 15:16 Research Group Quantum information with photons
2010-02-08 11:19 WebLink Les particules jumelles existent, il l'a démontré. Alain Aspect, physicien, lauréat du prix Wolf
2010-02-08 14:00 Research Group Quantum Optoelectronics and NanoPhotonics
2010-02-08 15:10 Research Group Quantum Information Science
2010-02-08 15:21 Research Group ENS-LKB Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
2010-02-02 14:09 Research Group QSIT-ETH-Blatter
2010-02-02 17:47 Event AQUTE kick-off meeting
2010-02-02 13:51 News web portal launched
2010-02-02 10:05 Research Group Cambridge Centre for Quantum Information and Foundations
2010-02-02 11:05 FAQ How do I add users to my private group (intranet)?
2010-02-02 14:00 Research Group QUIT (Quantum Information Theory)
2010-02-02 14:20 Research Group Quantum Information Theory - ETH
2010-02-02 09:59 Research Group Quantware group
2010-02-02 10:09 Research Group Quantum photonics
2010-02-01 14:20 News QUIE2T launched
2010-01-27 15:25 Research Group Quantum Computing
2010-01-27 15:49 Research Group Quantum Information Processing Group, HP Labs Bristol
2010-01-27 13:18 FAQ Do you offer some secure document repository and possibly some form of Intranet for projects hosted on your site?
2010-01-26 16:02 Research Group Physik E3, TU Dortmund
2010-01-26 16:21 Research Group Quantum Theory Group
2010-01-26 16:48 Research Group Theoretical Quantum Optics
2010-01-26 16:15 Research Group Quantum Metrology - Quantum Optics research Program (INRiM)
2010-01-26 16:31 Research Group KVANTTI – Superconducting Qubits and Circuit QED– Low Temperature Laboratory
2010-01-21 10:44 FAQ I'd like my project to be hosted on the web site. What are the guidelines to follow?
2010-01-20 17:07 FAQ Can I add a FAQ?
2010-01-20 18:00 FAQ Can I add items to the navigation menu, sub-menus, etc.?
2010-01-20 10:00 FAQ How do I add content?
2010-01-20 17:12 FAQ Where can I get help?
2009-12-18 18:05 Research Group Quantum Information and Foundations of Physics
2009-11-20 11:25 News QUIE2T Grant Agreement signed
2009-11-19 12:07 News AQUTE kick-off meeting
2009-11-13 11:44 WebLink QUROPE
2009-10-14 10:59 WebLink L'étrange monde quantique mis en image dans un documentaire audacieux
2009-06-29 12:49 WebLink Un processeur quantique à l'état... solide
2009-06-04 11:21 WebLink Serge Haroche décroche la médaille d'or du CNRS
2009-05-30 14:34 WebLink Der Quanten-Architekt
2008-12-03 10:18 WebLink La téléportation sera-t-elle un jour possible ?
2007-02-13 15:41 WebLink Rechenwunder, bitte warten