Asymmetric Cooper pair transistor in parallel to a dc SQUID: Two coupled quantum systems

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A. Fay, W. Guichard, O. Buisson, and F. W. J. Hekking


Phys. Rev. B 83, 184510 (2011)

We present a theoretical analysis of a superconducting quantum circuit based on a highly asymmetric Cooper pair transistor (ACPT) in parallel to a dc superconduction quantum intereference device (SQUID). Starting from the full Hamiltonian we show that the circuit can be modeled as a charge qubit (ACPT) coupled to an anharmonic oscillator (dc SQUID). Depending on the anharmonicity of the SQUID, the Hamiltonian can be reduced either to one that describes two coupled qubits or to the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian. Here the dc SQUID can be viewed as a tunable micrometer-sized resonator. The coupling term, which is a combination of a capacitive and a Josephson coupling between the two qubits, can be tuned from the very strong- to the zero-coupling regime. It describes very precisely the tunable coupling strength measured in this circuit [ A. Fay et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100 187003 (2008)] and explains the “quantronium” as well as the adiabatic quantum transfer readout.