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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
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Post Date Type Title
2018-03-23 18:45 News QIRG: Quantum Internet Research Group
2018-03-18 12:03 Event Quantum Technology International Conference - QTech 2018
2018-03-12 15:49 Event Australia Conference 2018 on Astrophysics and Quantum Particle Physics
2018-03-12 15:42 Job Open Postdoc Fellowships at the Erwin Schrödinger Centre for Quantum Science and Technology (ESQ)
2018-03-09 16:36 WebLink All Conference Alerts 2018
2018-03-09 18:49 Job Competition Funded Physics PhD Project: Post-classical sensing and computational capabilities of multiphoton interferometers
2018-02-28 11:50 Job PhD position in Single Molecule Quantum Optics
2018-02-20 15:36 Job Research Associate in Quantum Communications
2018-02-20 15:55 Job Research Associate in Quantum Communications, University of York
2018-02-19 08:42 Industry Teledyne Signal Processing Devices
2018-02-16 14:10 Job Chair in Experimental Quantum Communications
2018-02-15 14:59 Story Talk by Antoine Browaeys: “Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 15:01 Story Talk by Thierry Lahaye: “Quantum simulation of spin Hamiltonians in tunable arrays of single Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 15:06 Story Talk by Thierry Lahaye: “Many-body physics with arrays of single Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 14:44 Publication Optical Control of the Resonant Dipole-Dipole Interaction between Rydberg Atoms
2018-02-15 14:54 Story Talk by Antoine Browaeys: “Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 14:56 Story Talk by Thierry Lahaye: “Quantum simulation of spin Hamiltonians using 2d arrays of single Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 14:57 Story Talk by Thierry Lahaye: “Quantum simulation of spin Hamiltonians using 2d arrays of single Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 14:59 Story Talk by Thierry Lahaye: “Arrays of single atoms for the quantum simulation of spin Hamiltonians”
2018-02-15 15:00 Story Talk by Thierry Lahaye: “Quantum simulation of spin Hamiltonians using arrays of single Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 15:04 Story Talk by Philippe Grangier
2018-02-15 15:11 Story D. Larrousserie, Des atomes réglés comme des horloges, Le Monde, 30 October 2017
2018-02-15 14:53 Story Talk by Antoine Browaey: “Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 14:55 Story Talk by Antoine Browaeys: “Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 14:57 Story Talk by Antoine Browaeys: “Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-15 14:58 Story Talk by Antoine Browaeys: “Experimental many-body physics using arrays of individual Rydberg atoms”
2018-02-14 23:04 Publication Quantum Spin Lenses in Atomic Arrays
2018-02-13 19:23 Job Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Photonics
2018-02-11 15:24 Event Topical Research Meeting on Topological States in Strongly Interacting Light-Matter Systems
2018-02-10 14:30 Job Ph. D. student positions in foundations of quantum mechanics / quantum information theory
2018-02-09 11:29 Story Outreach activity: Saturday Morning Physics "The Mystery and Mastery of Photons" (talk by Charles Adams and interactive experiments at Durham University, 18th November 2017)
2018-02-09 14:51 Publication Observation of the Roton Mode in a Dipolar Quantum Gas
2018-02-09 11:41 Story Outreach event: Celebrate Science fair at Durham University (24th - 26th October 2017)
2018-02-09 14:53 Publication Anisotropic polarizability of erbium atoms
2018-02-08 14:00 Publication Quantum non-equilibrium dynamics of Rydberg gases in the presence of dephasing noise of different strengths
2018-02-08 14:14 Publication Emergent kinetic constraints, ergodicity breaking, and cooperative dynamics in noisy quantum systems
2018-02-08 14:23 Publication Quantum melting of two-component Rydberg crystals
2018-02-08 14:33 Publication Single Strontium Rydberg Ion Confined in a Paul Trap
2018-02-08 14:42 Publication Epidemic Dynamics in Open Quantum Spin Systems
2018-02-08 14:09 Publication Non-equilibrium fluctuations and metastability arising from non-additive interactions in dissipative multi-component Rydberg gases
2018-02-08 14:20 Publication Metastability in an open quantum Ising model
2018-02-08 14:29 Publication Nonequilibrium effective field theory for absorbing state phase transitions in driven open quantum spin systems
2018-02-08 14:40 Publication Fluctuating hydrodynamics, current fluctuations, and hyperuniformity in boundary-driven open quantum chains
2018-02-07 00:45 Story DPG Spring Meeting, Mainz (Germany), 6–10 March 2017
2018-02-07 00:51 Story International Conference on Quantum Simulation (ICQSIM), Paris (France), 13-17 November 2017
2018-02-06 11:50 Story Workshop Quantum Devices, International Institute of Physics, Natal, Brazil, July 3-August 24, 2017
2018-02-06 11:53 Story International Conference on Quantum Simulation (ICQSIM), Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, 13-17 November, 2017
2018-02-06 11:41 Story Lorentz Center workshop ‘Correlation and Order in Rydberg Gases’, 30 mei tm 3 juni 2016, Leiden
2018-02-06 11:44 Story Lorentz Center workshop ‘Correlation and Order in Rydberg Gases’, 30 mei tm 3 juni 2016, Leiden