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Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
Format: 2024-09-17
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Post Date Type Title
2010-07-26 16:55 WebLink Research at the group led by Prof. Antionio Acin highlighted in APS
2010-07-25 11:26 Publication The Uncertainty Principle in the Presence of Quantum Memory
2010-07-21 11:46 WebLink Interview with Nicolas Gisin and Rob Thew
2010-07-21 13:28 Publication Quantum communication technology
2010-07-20 12:49 News FP7 ICT calls published
2010-07-20 15:18 Research Group QOLS - Quantum Optics and Laser Science
2010-07-19 08:28 Job Two postdoc positions in experimental physics are available in the "ultracold atoms and quantum gases" group in Innsbruck (Austria) within the START funding program (BMWF and FWF)
2010-07-19 08:34 Job Postdoctoral Research Opportunity in Superconducting Qubits and Dielectrics
2010-07-19 08:32 Job Two PhD fellowships in experimental physics are available in the "ultracold atoms and quantum gases" group in Innsbruck (Austria) within the START funding program (BMWF and FWF)
2010-07-16 12:52 Job Postdoc and PhD positions in Quantum Information Theory and/or Quantum Optics
2010-07-16 13:35 Job Post-doctoral Research Associates in Quantum Computing, Quantum Information Theory & Foundations
2010-07-14 16:22 Event FET QIFT Open Day / Cluster Review
2010-07-07 13:27 Event CoQuS Summer School 2010
2010-07-05 23:13 News Q-Essence Oxford Session: agenda update
2010-06-29 11:54 Event QUIE2T discussion round at Review Meeting in Oxford
2010-06-29 11:06 News Call for conference proposals published
2010-06-28 10:41 News 3rd International Summer School of the SFB/TRR21, Blaubeuren, 3-5.10.2010
2010-06-28 13:08 WebLink Wiener Quantenphysiker zähmen den Zufall
2010-06-23 11:05 WebLink Berliner Zeitung: Tragbare Atomuhr auf einem Chip
2010-06-23 11:32 WebLink Optical Transistor Is a Step Toward the Quantum Internet
2010-06-23 10:59 WebLink Pro-Physik: Atomchip für verschränkte Teilchen
2010-06-23 11:38 WebLink Single atoms go transparent
2010-06-23 10:56 WebLink Nature Editors Summary and associated News and Views article
2010-06-23 12:42 News Quantiki Video Abstracts
2010-06-23 10:43 WebLink Badische Zeitung, Lörrach: Grundstein für genauere Uhren
2010-06-23 11:08 WebLink Physics World: BEC coupled to mechanical oscillator
2010-06-23 11:10 WebLink Interface between two worlds
2010-06-23 11:03 WebLink Scinexx Wissensmagazin
2010-06-23 11:35 WebLink Optischer Transistor aus einem Atom
2010-06-23 11:00 WebLink Science daily: Beyond the Quantum Limit
2010-06-23 10:54 WebLink Nature news: Atomic clocks use quantum timekeeping
2010-06-23 11:07 WebLink Welt der Physik: Atomuhr auf dem Chip
2010-06-22 20:10 News Q-Essence Consortium Session
2010-06-21 10:05 Job Postdoctoral position in Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Information
2010-06-21 11:55 WebLink Chute libre pour atomes froids
2010-06-21 10:07 Job Postdoctoral positions in theoretical condensed matter and quantum physics
2010-06-18 11:09 Story Institut d´Astrophysique, March, 2010, Paris, France
2010-06-18 14:03 Story Black Forest Focus on Soft Matter 3: Frontiers in Dynamics - from Random to Quantum Walks, June 2 - 5, 2010, Breisach, Germany, FRIAS-Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
2010-06-18 11:13 Story APS March Meeting, March 15 - 19, 2010, Portland, Oregon, USA
2010-06-18 14:02 Story Greenhorn Meeting 2010, May 30 - June 2, 2010, Physikalisches Institut der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
2010-06-18 11:06 Story German Physical Society Meeting, March 8 - 12, 2010, Hannover, Germany
2010-06-18 12:40 Story Quantum information with Atoms, photons and solid state systems, June 17 - 19, 2010, Grenoble, France
2010-06-18 12:16 Story Physics Colloquium, April 12, 2010, Berkeley, USA
2010-06-18 12:34 Story Quantum Coherence and Entanglement on Macroscopic Scales, May 6 - 8, 2010, Tenerife, Spain
2010-06-18 12:13 Story Workshop on Quantum Transport in Nanoelectromechanical Systems, April 7, 2010, Bordeaux, France
2010-06-18 12:30 Story CERN, May 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
2010-06-18 12:10 Story Frontiers in Atomic Physics, April 2010, Florence, Italy
2010-06-18 12:29 Story Seminar at Société française de physique, section de Strasbourg, May 2010, Strasbourg, France
2010-06-18 11:50 Story ISPQT 2010, International Symposium of physics of Quantum Technologies, April 6-9, 2010, Tokyo, Japan