German Physical Society Meeting, March 8 - 12, 2010, Hannover, Germany

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S. Haroche (P2a CNRS), plenary talk, Fundamental tests in cavity Quantum Electrodynamics.

K. Hammerer (P4b OEAW), talk, Interfacing Opto-mechanics with Atoms.

M. Bienert (P8 Universität des Saarlandes), talk, AMOP Section, Propagation of quantum fluctuations in EIT media.

T. Langen (P12 TU Wien), talk, Low-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures and atom chips.

J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Single Atom Deection

A. Widera (P6 Universität Bonn), invited talk, Exploring Quantum Physics with Single Neutral Atoms.

A. Mawardi (P6 Universität Bonn), poster, State dependent optical lattice and coherent motional state control of single neutral atoms.

M. Belmechri (P6 Universität Bonn), poster, Quantum Walks and Single Atom Interferometry with neutral atoms in a 1D lattice.

R. Reimann (P6 Universität Bonn), poster, Spin dynamics of one and two atoms strongly coupled to an optical resonator.

M. Eckstein (P6 Universität Bonn), poster, Dynamics of a coherently driven atom a high finesse optical resonator.

C. Cormick (P8 Universität des Saarlandes), AMOP Section, attended.

C. Calarco (P1 Universität Ulm), AMOP Section, chairman.

R. Blatt (P4a OEAW), talk, Fighting Decoherence: Quantum Information Science with trapped Ca+Ions

J. Bochmann (P3b MPG), talk, Losless state detection of single neutral atoms

S. Ritter (P3b MPG), talk, Cavity EIT with single atoms, AMOP Section

C. Hahn (P3b MPG), poster, Lossless atomic state detection using the Purcell effect, AMOP Section

M. Mücke (P3b MPG), poster, Cavity EIT with single atoms

T. Wilk 8P2b), invited talk, Entangling two individual neutral atoms using the Rydberg blockade