15.10.Ph Photons

A quantum gate between a flying optical photon and a single trapped atom


Andreas Reiserer, Norbert Kalb, Gerhard Rempe, Stephan Ritter


Nature 508, 237 (2014)

The steady increase in control over individual quantum systems has backed the dream of a quantum technology that provides functionalities beyond any classical device. Two particularly promising applications have been explored during the past decade: First, photon-based quantum communication, which guarantees unbreakable encryption but still has to be scaled to high rates over large distances. Second, quantum computation, which will fundamentally enhance computability if it can be scaled to a large number of quantum bits.

Nondestructive Detection of an Optical Photon


Andreas Reiserer, Stephan Ritter, Gerhard Rempe


Science 342, 1349 (2013)

All optical detectors to date annihilate photons upon detection, thus excluding repeated measurements. Here, we demonstrate a robust photon detection scheme that does not rely on absorption. Instead, an incoming photon is reflected from an optical resonator containing a single atom prepared in a superposition of two states. The reflection toggles the superposition phase, which is then measured to trace the photon. Characterizing the device with faint laser pulses, a single-photon detection efficiency of 74% and a survival probability of 66% are achieved.

Generation of single photons from an atom-cavity system


Martin Mücke, Joerg Bochmann, Carolin Hahn, Andreas Neuzner, Christian Nölleke, Andreas Reiserer, Gerhard Rempe, Stephan Ritter


Phys. Rev. A 87, 063805 (2013)

A single rubidium atom trapped within a high-finesse optical cavity is an efficient source of single photons. We theoretically and experimentally study single-photon generation using a vacuum stimulated Raman adiabatic passage. We experimentally achieve photon generation efficiencies of up to 34% and 56% on the D1 and D2 line, respectively. Output coupling with 89% results in record-high efficiencies for single photons in one spatiotemporally well-defined propagating mode.

Experimental plug&play quantum coin flipping

2013-06-14 - 2013-12-18

Anna Pappa, Paul Jouguet, Thomas Lawson, André Chailloux, Matthieu Legré, Patrick Trinkler, Iordanis Kerenidis, Eleni Diamanti


arXiv:1306.3368 (under submission)

Performing complex cryptographic tasks will be an essential element in future quantum communication networks. These tasks are based on a handful of fundamental primitives, such as coin flipping, where two distrustful parties wish to agree on a randomly generated bit. Although it is known that quantum versions of these primitives can offer information-theoretic security advantages with respect to classical protocols, a demonstration of such an advantage in a practical communication scenario has remained elusive.

Homodyne tomography of a single photon retrieved on demand from a cavity-enhanced cold atom memory


Erwan Bimbard, Rajiv Boddeda, Nicolas Vitrant, Andrey Grankin, Valentina
Parigi,† Jovica Stanojevic, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, and Philippe Grangier


arXiv:1310.1228v1 [quant-ph] 4 Oct 2013

We experimentally demonstrate that a non-classical state prepared in an atomic memory can be
efficiently transferred to a single mode of free-propagating light. By retrieving on demand a single
excitation from a cold atomic gas, we realize an efficient source of single photons prepared in a pure,
fully controlled quantum state. We characterize this source using two detection methods, one based
on photon-counting analysis, and the second using homodyne tomography to reconstruct the density

Homodyne tomography of a single photon retrieved on demand from a cavity-enhanced cold atom memory


Erwan Bimbard, Rajiv Boddeda, Nicolas Vitrant, Andrey Grankin, Valentina
Parigi,† Jovica Stanojevic, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, and Philippe Grangier


arXiv:1310.1228v1 [quant-ph] 4 Oct 2013

We experimentally demonstrate that a non-classical state prepared in an atomic memory can be
efficiently transferred to a single mode of free-propagating light. By retrieving on demand a single
excitation from a cold atomic gas, we realize an efficient source of single photons prepared in a pure,
fully controlled quantum state. We characterize this source using two detection methods, one based
on photon-counting analysis, and the second using homodyne tomography to reconstruct the density

Two-photon transport through a waveguide coupling to a whispering gallery resonator containing an atom and photon-blockade effect


T. Shi, Shanhui Fan



We investigate the two-photon transport through a waveguide side-coupling to a whispering-gallery-atom system. Using the Lehmann-Symanzik-Zimmermann (LSZ) reduction approach, we present the general formula for the two-photon processes including the two-photon scattering matrices, the wavefunctions and the second order correlation functions of the out-going photons.

Self-organization of atoms along a nanophotonic waveguide


D.E. Chang, J.I. Cirac, H.J. Kimble


URL: http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.113606
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.113606
PACS: 42.50.Wk, 37.10.Jk

Atoms coupled to nanophotonic interfaces represent an exciting frontier for the investigation of quantum light-matter interactions. While most work has considered the interaction between statically positioned atoms and light, here we demonstrate that a wealth of phenomena can arise from the self-consistent interaction between atomic internal states, optical scattering, and atomic forces.

Single-Shot Measurement of Triplet-Singlet Relaxation in a Si/SiGe Double Quantum Dot


J. R. Prance, Zhan Shi, C. B. Simmons, D. E. Savage, M. G. Lagally, L. R. Schreiber, L. M. K. Vandersypen, Mark Friesen, Robert Joynt, S. N. Coppersmith, M. A. Eriksson


Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 046808 (2012)

We investigate the lifetime of two-electron spin states in a few-electron Si/SiGe double dot. At the transition between the (1,1) and (0,2) charge occupations, Pauli spin blockade provides a readout mechanism for the spin state. We use the statistics of repeated single-shot measurements to extract the lifetimes of multiple states simultaneously. When the magnetic field is zero, we find that all three triplet states have equal lifetimes, as expected, and this time is ∼10  ms.

Controlling the Interaction of Electron and Nuclear Spins in a Tunnel-Coupled Quantum Dot


C. Kloeffel, P.A. Dalgarno, B. Urbaszek, B.D. Gerardot, D. Brunner, P.M. Petroff, D. Loss, and R.J. Warburton


Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 046802

We present a technique for manipulating the nuclear spins and the emission polarization from a single optically active quantum dot. When the quantum dot is tunnel coupled to a Fermi sea, we have discovered a natural cycle in which an electron spin is repeatedly created with resonant optical excitation. The spontaneous emission polarization and the nuclear spin polarization exhibit a bistability. For a σ+ pump, the emission switches from σ+ to σ- at a particular detuning of the laser. Simultaneously, the nuclear spin polarization switches from positive to negative.

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