Quantum memory coupled to cavity modes


F.L. Pedrocchi, S. Chesi, and D. Loss


Phys. Rev. B 83, 115415

Inspired by spin-electric couplings in molecular magnets, we introduce in the Kitaev honeycomb model a linear modification of the Ising interactions due to the presence of quantized cavity fields. This allows to control the properties of the low-energy toric code Hamiltonian, which can serve as a quantum memory, by tuning the physical parameters of the cavity modes, like frequencies, photon occupations, and coupling strengths.

Physical solutions of the Kitaev honeycomb model

2011-10-10 - 2012-03-20

F.L. Pedrocchi, S. Chesi, and D. Loss


Phys. Rev. B 84, 165414

We investigate the exact solution of the honeycomb model proposed by Kitaev and derive an explicit formula for the projector onto the physical subspace. The physical states are simply characterized by the parity of the total occupation of the fermionic eigenmodes. We consider a general lattice on a torus and show that the physical fermion parity depends in a nontrivial way on the vortex configuration and the choice of boundary conditions. In the vortex-free case with a constant gauge field we are able to obtain an analytical expression of the parity.

Absence of spontaneous magnetic order of lattice spins coupled to itinerant interacting electrons in one and two dimensions


D. Loss, F.L. Pedrocchi, and A.J. Leggett


Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 107201

We extend the Mermin-Wagner theorem to a system of lattice spins which are spin coupled to itinerant and interacting charge carriers. We use the Bogoliubov inequality to rigorously prove that neither (anti-) ferromagnetic nor helical long-range order is possible in one and two dimensions at any finite temperature. Our proof applies to a wide class of models including any form of electron-electron and single-electron interactions that are independent of spin.

An optimization library for evaluating convex-roof entanglement measures


B. Roethlisberger, J. Lehmann, and D. Loss


Comput. Phys. Comm. 183, 155

We present the software library libCreme which we have previously used to successfully calculate convex-roof entanglement measures of mixed quantum states appearing in realistic physical systems. Evaluating the amount of entanglement in such states is in general a non-trivial task requiring to solve a highly non-linear complex optimization problem. The algorithms provided here are able to achieve to do this for a large and important class of entanglement measures.

Long-Distance Spin-Spin Coupling via Floating Gates


L. Trifunovic, O. Dial, M. Trif, J.R. Wootton, R. Abebe, A. Yacoby, and D. Loss


Phys. Rev. X 2, 011006

The electron spin is a natural two-level system that allows a qubit to be encoded. When localized in a gate-defined quantum dot, the electron spin provides a promising platform for a future functional quantum computer. The essential ingredient of any quantum computer is entanglement—for the case of electron-spin qubits considered here—commonly achieved via the exchange interaction. Nevertheless, there is an immense challenge as to how to scale the system up to include many qubits.

Localized end states in density modulated quantum wires and rings


S.  Gangadharaiah, L. Trifunovic, and D. Loss


To be published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

We study finite quantum wires and rings in the presence of a charge density wave gap induced by a periodic modulation of the chemical potential. We show that the Tamm-Shockley bound states emerging at the ends of the wire are stable against weak disorder and interactions, for discrete open chains and for continuum systems. The low-energy physics can be mapped onto the Jackiw-Rebbi equations describing massive Dirac fermions and bound end states. We treat interactions via the continuum model and show that they increase the charge gap and further localize the end states.

Singlet-triplet splitting in double quantum dots due to spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions


D. Stepanenko, M. Rudner, B.I. Halperin, and D. Loss


Phys. Rev. B 85, 075416

We analyze the low-energy spectrum of a two-electron double quantum dot under a potential bias in the presence of an external magnetic field. We focus on the regime of spin blockade, taking into account the spin-orbit interaction and hyperfine coupling of electron and nuclear spins. Starting from a model for two interacting electrons in a double dot, we derive an effective two-level Hamiltonian in the vicinity of an avoided crossing between singlet and triplet levels, which are coupled by the spin-orbit and hyperfine interactions.

Long-Distance Spin-Spin Coupling via Floating Gates


Luka Trifunovic, Oliver Dial, Mircea Trif, James R. Wootton, Rediet Abebe, Amir Yacoby, and Daniel Loss


Phys. Rev. X 2, 011006

The electron spin is a natural two-level system that allows a qubit to be encoded. When localized in a gate-defined quantum dot, the electron spin provides a promising platform for a future functional quantum computer. The essential ingredient of any quantum computer is entanglement—for the case of electron-spin qubits considered here—commonly achieved via the exchange interaction. Nevertheless, there is an immense challenge as to how to scale the system up to include many qubits.

Absence of Spontaneous Magnetic Order of Lattice Spins Coupled to Itinerant Interacting Electrons in One and Two Dimensions


Daniel Loss, Fabio L. Pedrocchi, and Anthony J. Leggett


Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 107201

We extend the Mermin-Wagner theorem to a system of lattice spins which are spin coupled to itinerant and interacting charge carriers. We use the Bogoliubov inequality to rigorously prove that neither (anti-) ferromagnetic nor helical long-range order is possible in one and two dimensions at any finite temperature. Our proof applies to a wide class of models including any form of electron-electron and single-electron interactions that are independent of spin.

The dialogue between quantum light and matter

Although the quantum Rabi model is the simplest model describing the coupling of quantum light and matter, only now has an analytical solution been found.

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