Relativistic Quantum Teleportation with Superconducting Circuits


N. Friis, A. R. Lee, K. Truong, C. Sabín, E. Solano, G. Johansson, and I. Fuentes


Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 113602 (2013)

We study the effects of relativistic motion on quantum teleportation and propose a realizable experiment where our results can be tested. We compute bounds on the optimal fidelity of teleportation when one of the observers undergoes nonuniform motion for a finite time. The upper bound to the optimal fidelity is degraded due to the observer’s motion. However, we discuss how this degradation can be corrected. These effects are observable for experimental parameters that are within reach of cutting-edge superconducting technology.

Multipartite entanglement generation assisted by inhomogeneous coupling


C. E. López, F. Lastra, G. Romero, E. Solano, and J. C. Retamal


Phys. Rev. A 85, 032319 (2012)

We show that controllable inhomogeneous coupling between two-level systems and a common data bus provides a fast mechanism to produce multipartite entanglement. Our proposal combines resonant interactions and engineering of coupling strengths—between the qubits and the single mode—leading to well-defined entangled states. Furthermore, we show that, if the two-level systems interact dispersively with the quantized mode, engineering of coupling strengths allows the controlled access of the symmetric Hilbert space of qubits.

Probing biological light-harvesting phenomena by optical cavities


F. Caruso, S. K. Saikin, E. Solano, S. F. Huelga, A. Aspuru-Guzik, and M. B. Plenio


Phys. Rev. B 85, 125424 (2012)

We propose a driven optical cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) setup aimed at directly probing energy transport dynamics in photosynthetic biomolecules. We show that detailed information concerning energy transfer paths and delocalization of exciton states can be inferred (and exciton energies estimated) from the statistical properties of the emitted photons.

Ultrafast Quantum Gates in Circuit QED


G. Romero, D. Ballester, Y. M. Wang, V. Scarani, and E. Solano


Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 120501 (2012)

We present a method to implement ultrafast two-qubit gates valid for the ultrastrong coupling and deep strong coupling regimes of light-matter interaction, considering state-of-the-art circuit quantum electrodynamics technology. Our proposal includes a suitable qubit architecture and is based on a four-step sequential displacement of the intracavity field, operating at a time proportional to the inverse of the resonator frequency. Through ab initio calculations, we show that these quantum gates can be performed at subnanosecond time scales while keeping a fidelity above 99%.

Quantum Simulation of the Ultrastrong-Coupling Dynamics in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics


D. Ballester, G. Romero, J. J. García-Ripoll, F. Deppe, and E. Solano


Phys. Rev. X 2, 021007 (2012)

We propose a method to get experimental access to the physics of the ultrastrong- and deep-strong-coupling regimes of light-matter interaction through the quantum simulation of their dynamics in standard circuit QED. The method makes use of a two-tone driving scheme, using state-of-the-art circuit-QED technology, and can be easily extended to general cavity-QED setups. We provide examples of ultrastrong- and deep-strong-coupling quantum effects that would be otherwise inaccessible.

Solvable model of dissipative dynamics in the deep strong coupling regime


M. Bina, G. Romero, J. Casanova, J. J. García-Ripoll, A. Lulli, E. Solano


Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 203, 207 (2012)

We describe the dynamics of a qubit interacting with a bosonic mode coupled to a zero-temperature bath in the deep strong coupling (DSC) regime. We provide an analytical solution for this open system dynamics in the off-resonance case of the qubit-mode interaction. Collapses and revivals of parity chain populations and the oscillatory behavior of the mean photon number are predicted. At the same time, photon number wave packets, propagating back and forth along parity chains, become incoherently mixed.

Validity of resonant two-qubit gates in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit quantum electrodynamics


Y. M. Wang, D. Ballester, G. Romero, V. Scarani, and E. Solano


Phys. Scr. T147 014031 (2012)

We investigate theoretically the performance of resonant two-qubit gates in the crossover from the strong to the ultrastrong coupling regime of light–matter interaction in circuit quantum electrodynamics. Two controlled-phase (CPHASE) gate schemes—which work well within the rotating wave-approximation—are analysed while taking into account the effects of counter-rotating terms appearing in the Hamiltonian.

The nonrelativistic limit of the Majorana equation and its simulation in trapped ions


L. Lamata, J. Casanova, I. L. Egusquiza, and E. Solano


Phys. Scr. 2012 014017 (2012)

We analyze the Majorana equation in the limit where the particle is at rest. We show that several counterintuitive features, absent in the rest limit of the Dirac equation, do appear, among which are Dirac-like positive energy solutions that turn into negative energy ones by free evolution, or nonstandard oscillations and interference between real and imaginary spinor components for complex solutions. We also study the ultrarelativistic limit, showing that the Majorana and Dirac equations mutually converge. Furthermore, we propose a physical implementation in trapped ions.

Proposal for a Datta-Das transistor in the quantum Hall regime


Luca Chirolli, D. Venturelli, F. Taddei, Rosario Fazio, V. Giovannetti


Phys. Rev. B 85, 155317 (2012)

We propose a resonant spin-field-effect transistor for chiral spin-resolved edge states in the integer quantum Hall effect with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. It employs a periodic array of voltage-controlled top gates that locally modulate the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Strong resonant spin-field effect is achieved when the array periodicity matches the inverse of the wave-vector difference of the two chiral states involved. Well-known techniques of separately contacting the edge states make it possible to selectively populate and read out the edge states, allowing full spin readout.

Local density of states in metal-topological superconductor hybrid systems


Marco Gibertini, Fabio Taddei, Marco Polini, Rosario Fazio


Phys. Rev. B 85, 144525 (2012)

We study by means of the recursive Green's function technique the local density of states of (finite and semi-infinite) multiband spin-orbit-coupled semiconducting nanowires in proximity to an s-wave superconductor and attached to normal-metal electrodes. When the nanowire is coupled to a normal electrode, the zero-energy peak, corresponding to the Majorana state in the topological phase, broadens with increasing transmission between the wire and the leads, eventually disappearing for ideal interfaces.

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