Validity of resonant two-qubit gates in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit quantum electrodynamics

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Y. M. Wang, D. Ballester, G. Romero, V. Scarani, and E. Solano


Phys. Scr. T147 014031 (2012)

We investigate theoretically the performance of resonant two-qubit gates in the crossover from the strong to the ultrastrong coupling regime of light–matter interaction in circuit quantum electrodynamics. Two controlled-phase (CPHASE) gate schemes—which work well within the rotating wave-approximation—are analysed while taking into account the effects of counter-rotating terms appearing in the Hamiltonian. Our numerical results show that the fidelity of the gate operation is above 96% when the ratio between the coupling strength and the resonator frequency, g/ωr, is about 10%. Novel schemes are required in order to implement ultrafast quantum gates when increasing the ratio g/ωr.