Minimal Self-Contained Quantum Refrigeration Machine Based on Four Quantum Dots


D. Venturelli, R. Fazio, and V. Giovannetti


Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 256801 (2013)

We present a theoretical study of an electronic quantum refrigerator based on four quantum dots arranged in a square configuration, in contact with as many thermal reservoirs. We show that the system implements the minimal mechanism for acting as a self-contained quantum refrigerator, by demonstrating heat extraction from the coldest reservoir and the cooling of the nearby quantum dot.

Measures of quantum synchronization in continuous variable systems


A. Mari, A. Farace, N. Didier, V. Giovannetti, and R. Fazio


Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 103605 (2013)

We introduce and characterize two different measures which quantify the level of synchronization of coupled continuous variable quantum systems. The two measures allow us to extend to the quantum domain the notions of complete and phase synchronization. The Heisenberg principle sets a universal bound to complete synchronization. The measure of phase synchronization is, in principle, unbounded; however, in the absence of quantum resources (e.g., squeezing) the synchronization level is bounded below a certain threshold.

Quantum Breathing of an Impurity in a One-dimensional Bath of Interacting Bosons


S. Peotta, D. Rossini, M. Polini, F. Minardi, and R. Fazio


Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 015302 (2013)

By means of the time-dependent density-matrix renormalization-group (TDMRG) method we are able to follow the real-time dynamics of a single impurity embedded in a one-dimensional bath of interacting bosons. We focus on the impurity breathing mode, which is found to be well described by a single oscillation frequency and a damping rate. If the impurity is very weakly coupled to the bath, a Luttinger-liquid description is valid and the impurity suffers an Abraham-Lorentz radiation-reaction friction.

Anderson localization of entangled photons in an integrated quantum walk


Andrea Crespi, Roberto Osellame, Roberta Ramponi, Vittorio Giovannetti, Rosario Fazio, Linda Sansoni, Francesco De Nicola, Fabio Sciarrino & Paolo Mataloni


Nature Photonics 7, 322–328 (2013)

First predicted for quantum particles in the presence of a disordered potential, Anderson localization is a ubiquitous effect, observed also in classical systems, arising from the destructive interference of waves propagating in static disordered media. Here we report the observation of this phenomenon for pairs of polarization-entangled photons in a discrete quantum walk affected by position-dependent disorder.

High-dynamic-range magnetometry with a single nuclear spin in diamond


G. Waldherr, J. Beck, P. Neumann, R. S. Said, M. Nitsche, M. L. Markham, D. J. Twitchen, J. Twamley, F. Jelezko & J. Wrachtrup


Nature Nanotechnology 7, 105–108 (2012)

Sensors based on the nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond are being developed to measure weak magnetic and electric fields at the nanoscale. However, such sensors rely on measurements of a shift in the Lamor frequency of the defect, so an accumulation of quantum phase causes the measurement signal to exhibit a periodic modulation. This means that the measurement time is either restricted to half of one oscillation period, which limits accuracy, or that the magnetic field range must be known in advance.

Electrically driven single-photon source at room temperature in diamond


N. Mizuochi, T. Makino, H. Kato, D. Takeuchi, M. Ogura, H. Okushi, M. Nothaft, P. Neumann, A. Gali, F. Jelezko, J. Wrachtrup & S. Yamasaki


Nature Photonics 6, 299–303 (2012)

Single-photon sources that provide non-classical light states on demand have a broad range of applications in quantum communication, quantum computing and metrology. Single-photon emission has been demonstrated using single atoms, ions, molecules, diamond colour centres and semiconductor quantum dots. Significant progress in highly efficient and entangled photons sources has recently been shown in semiconductor quantum dots; however, the requirement of cryogenic temperatures due to the necessity to confine carriers is a major obstacle.

Sensing single remote nuclear spins


Nan Zhao, Jan Honert, Bernhard Schmid, Michael Klas, Junichi Isoya, Matthew Markham, Daniel Twitchen, Fedor Jelezko, Ren-Bao Liu, Helmut Fedder & Jörg Wrachtrup


Nature Nanotechnology 7, 657–662 (2012)

The detection of single nuclear spins would be useful for fields ranging from basic science to quantum information technology. However, although sensing based on diamond defects and other methods have shown high sensitivity, they have not been capable of detecting single nuclear spins, and defect-based techniques further require strong defect–spin coupling. Here, we present the detection and identification of single and remote 13C nuclear spins embedded in nuclear spin baths surrounding a single electron spin of a nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond.

Distinguishing between Nonorthogonal Quantum States of a Single Nuclear Spin


G. Waldherr, A.C. Dada, P. Neumann, F. Jelezko, E. Andersson, J. Wrachtrup


Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 180501 (2012)

An important task for quantum-information processing is optimal discrimination between two nonorthogonal quantum states, which until now has been realized only optically. Here, we present and compare experimental realizations of optimal quantum measurements for distinguishing between two nonorthogonal quantum states encoded in a single 14N nuclear spin at a nitrogen-vacancy defect in diamond.

Photo-induced ionization dynamics of the nitrogen vacancy defect in diamond investigated by single-shot charge state detection


N. Aslam, G. Waldherr, P. Neumann, F. Jelezko, Jr. Wrachtrup


New J. Phys. 15 013064 (2013)

The nitrogen–vacancy centre (NV) has drawn much attention for over a decade, yet detailed knowledge of the photophysics needs to be established. Under typical conditions, the NV can have two stable charge states, negative (NV−) or neutral (NV0), with photo-induced interconversion of these two states. Here, we present detailed studies of the ionization dynamics of single NV centres in bulk diamond at room temperature during illumination and its dependence on the excitation wavelength and power.

Room-temperature entanglement between single defect spins in diamond


F. Dolde, I. Jakobi, B. Naydenov, N. Zhao, S. Pezzagna, C. Trautmann, J. Meijer, P. Neumann, F. Jelezko & J. Wrachtrup


Nature Physics 9, 139–143 (2013)

Entanglement is the central yet fleeting phenomenon of quantum physics. Once being considered a peculiar counter-intuitive property of quantum theory1, it has developed into the most central element of quantum technology. Consequently, there have been a number of experimental demonstrations of entanglement between photons2, atoms3, ions4 and solid-state systems such as spins or quantum dots5, 6, 7, superconducting circuits8, 9 and macroscopic diamond10.

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