Extracting entanglement from identical particles


N. Killoran, M. Cramer and M. B. Plenio


Physical Review Letters 112, 150501 (2014)

Identical particles and entanglement are both fundamental components of quantum mechanics. However, when identical particles are condensed in a single spatial mode, the standard notions of entanglement, based on clearly identifiable subsystems, break down. This has led many to conclude that such systems have limited value for quantum information tasks, compared to distinguishable particle systems.

Inverse counting statistics for stochastic and open quantum systems: the characteristic polynomial approach


M. Bruderer, L. D. Contreras-Pulido, M. Thaller, L. Sironi, D. Obreschkow and M. B. Plenio


New Journal of Physics 16, 033030 (2014)

We consider stochastic and open quantum systems with a finite number of states, where a stochastic transition between two specific states is monitored by a detector. The long-time counting statistics of the observed realizations of the transition, parametrized by cumulants, is the only available information about the system. We present an analytical method for reconstructing generators of the time evolution of the system compatible with the observations.

Universality in the dynamics of second-order phase transitions


G. Nikoghosyan, R. Nigmatullin and M.B. Plenio



When traversing a symmetry breaking second order phase transition at a finite rate, topological defects form whose number dependence on the quench rate is given by simple power laws. We propose a general approach for the derivation of such scaling laws that is based on the analytical transformation of the associated equations of motion to a universal form rather than employing plausible physical arguments. We demonstrate the power of this approach by deriving the scaling of the number of topological defects in both homogenous and non-homogenous settings.

Quantifying entanglement with scattering experiments


O. Marty, M. Epping, H. Kampermann, D. Bruß, M.B. Plenio and M. Cramer


Physical Review B 89, 125117 (2014)

We show how the entanglement contained in states of spins arranged on a lattice may be quantified with observables arising in scattering experiments. We focus on the partial differential cross-section obtained in neutron scattering from magnetic materials but our results are sufficiently general such that they may also be applied to, e.g., optical Bragg scattering from ultracold atoms in optical lattices or from ion chains.

Realistic and verifiable coherent control of excitonic states in a light harvesting complex

2013-07-18 - 2014-01-20

Stephan Hoyer, Filippo Caruso, Simone Montangero, Mohan Sarovar, Tommaso Calarco, Martin B. Plenio and K. Birgitta Whaley


New Journal of Physics 16, 045007 (2014)

We explore the feasibility of coherent control of excitonic dynamics in light harvesting complexes, analyzing the limits imposed by the open nature of these quantum systems. We establish feasible targets for phase and phase/amplitude control of the electronically excited state populations in the Fenna-Mathews-Olson (FMO) complex and analyze the robustness of this control with respect to orientational and energetic disorder, as well as decoherence arising from coupling to the protein environment.

Quantifying Coherence


T. Baumgratz, M. Cramer and M. B. Plenio



We introduce a rigorous framework for the quantification of coherence and identify intuitive and easily computable measures of coherence. We achieve this by adopting the viewpoint of coherence as a physical resource. By determining defining conditions for measures of coherence we identify classes of functionals that satisfy these conditions and other, at first glance natural quantities, that do not qualify as coherence measure. We conclude with an outline of the questions that remain to be answered to complete the theory of coherence as a resource.

Paper "Edge theories in Projected Entangled Pair State models" published on PRL

The paper, authored by S. Yang, L. Lehman, D. Poilblanc, K. Van Acoleyen, F. Verstraete, J.I. Cirac, N. Schuch, has been published the 23rd January 2014 on Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 036402 (2014)

The Role of Quantum Fluctuations in the Hexatic Phase of Cold Polar Molecules


Wolfgang Lechner, Hans-Peter Büchler, Peter Zoller


Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 255301

Two dimensional crystals melt via an intermediate \textit{hexatic} phase which is characterized by an anomalous scaling of spatial and orientational correlation functions and the absence of an attraction between dislocations. We propose a protocol to study the role of quantum fluctuations on the nature of this phase with a system of strongly correlated polar molecules in a parameter regime where thermal and quantum fluctuations are of the same order of magnitude.

Observation of entanglement propagation in a quantum many-body system

2014-01-21 - 2014-01-22

P. Jurcevic, B. P. Lanyon, P. Hauke, C. Hempel, P. Zoller, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos



The key to explaining a wide range of quantum phenomena is understanding how entanglement propagates around many-body systems. Furthermore, the controlled distribution of entanglement is of fundamental importance for quantum communication and computation. In many situations, quasiparticles are the carriers of information around a quantum system and are expected to distribute entanglement in a fashion determined by the system interactions.

Superconducting Circuits for Quantum Simulation of Dynamical Gauge Fields

2013-09-13 - 2014-01-22

D. Marcos, P. Rabl, E. Rico, P. Zoller


Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 110504 (2013)

We describe a superconducting-circuit lattice design for the implementation and simulation of dynamical lattice gauge theories. We illustrate our proposal by analyzing a one-dimensional U(1) quantum-link model, where superconducting qubits play the role of matter fields on the lattice sites and the gauge fields are represented by two coupled microwave resonators on each link between neighboring sites.

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