Experimentally accessible witnesses of many-body localisation


M. Goihl, M. Friesdorf, A. H. Werner, W. Brown, J. Eisert



The phenomenon of many-body localised (MBL) systems has attracted significant interest in recent years, for its intriguing implications from a perspective of both condensed-matter and statistical physics: they are insulators even at non-zero temperature and fail to thermalise, violating expectations from quantum statistical mechanics.

Direct certification of a class of quantum simulations


D. Hangleiter, M. Kliesch, M. Schwarz, J. Eisert



One of the main challenges in the field of quantum simulation and computation is to identify ways to certify the correct functioning of a device when a classical efficient simulation is not available. In such a situation one cannot simply classically keep track of the dynamics of the device.

Emergence of spontaneous symmetry breaking in dissipative lattice systems


H. Wilming, M. J. Kastoryano, A. H. Werner, J. Eisert



A cornerstone of the theory of phase transitions is the observation that many-body systems exhibiting a spontaneous symmetry breaking in the thermodynamic limit generally show extensive fluctuations of an order parameter in large but finite systems. In this work, we introduce the dynamical analogue of such a theory.

Diagnosing Topological Edge States via Entanglement Monogamy


K. Meichanetzidis, J. Eisert, M. Cirio, V. Lahtinen, and J. K. Pachos


Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 130501 (2016); arXiv:1511.04459

Topological phases of matter possess intricate correlation patterns typically probed by entanglement entropies or entanglement spectra. In this Letter, we propose an alternative approach to assessing topologically induced edge states in free and interacting fermionic systems. We do so by focussing on the fermionic covariance matrix.

Laser damage creates backdoors in quantum communications

2015-10-12 - 2016-06-17

Vadim Makarov, Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, Poompong Chaiwongkhot, Mathieu Gagné, Thomas Jennewein, Sarah Kaiser, Raman Kashyap, Matthieu Legré, Carter Minshull, Shihan Sajeed


submitted to PRL

Practical quantum communication (QC) protocols are assumed to be secure provided implemented devices are properly characterized and all known side channels are closed. We show that this is not always true. We demonstrate a laser-damage attack capable of modifying device behaviour on-demand. We test it on two practical QC systems for key distribution and coin-tossing, and show that newly created deviations lead to side channels. This reveals that laser damage can be a potential security risk to existing QC systems, and necessitates extensive countermeasure testing to guarantee security.

Laser damage creates backdoors in quantum communications

2015-10-12 - 2016-06-17

Vadim Makarov, Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, Poompong Chaiwongkhot, Mathieu Gagné, Thomas Jennewein, Sarah Kaiser, Raman Kashyap, Matthieu Legré, Carter Minshull, Shihan Sajeed


submitted to PRL

Practical quantum communication (QC) protocols are assumed to be secure provided implemented devices are properly characterized and all known side channels are closed. We show that this is not always true. We demonstrate a laser-damage attack capable of modifying device behaviour on-demand. We test it on two practical QC systems for key distribution and coin-tossing, and show that newly created deviations lead to side channels. This reveals that laser damage can be a potential security risk to existing QC systems, and necessitates extensive countermeasure testing to guarantee security.

Gaps between industrial and academic solutions to implementation loopholes in QKD: testing random-detector-efficiency countermeasure in a commercial system

2016-01-05 - 2016-06-17

Anqi Huang, Shihan Sajeed, Poompong Chaiwongkhot, Mathilde Soucarros, Matthieu Legre, Vadim Makarov


submitted to IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics

In the last decade, efforts have been made to reconcile theoretical security with realistic imperfect implementations of quantum key distribution (QKD). However, in the process gaps have recently emerged between academic and industrial approaches to closing loopholes created by implementation imperfections. In academic research labs, many practical security problems appear to be reliably solved, in principle, by advanced schemes and protocols. Meanwhile the industry prefers practical and easier solutions, even without security verification in some cases.

Measuring nanoscale magnetic write head fields using a hybrid quantum register


Jakobi, I., Neumann, P., Wang, Y., Dasari, D., Hallak, F. E., Bashir, M. A., Markham, M., Edmonds, A., Twitchen, D. & Wrachtrup, J.


arXiv:1602.02948 [cond-mat] (2016)

The generation and control of nanoscale magnetic fields are of fundamental interest in material science and a wide range of applications. Nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging quantum spintronics for example require single spin control with high precision and nanoscale spatial resolution using fast switchable magnetic fields with large gradients. Yet, characterizing those fields on nanometer length scales at high band width with arbitrary orientation has not been possible so far.

Heralded Control of Mechanical motion by Single Spins


D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, S. Ali Momenzadeh, Jörg Wrachtrup


arXiv:1605.06812 [quant-ph]

We propose a method to achieve high degree control of nanomechanical oscillators by coupling their mechanical motion to single spins. By manipulating the spin alone and measuring its quantum state heralds the cooling or squeezing of the oscillator even for weak spin-oscillator couplings. We analytically show that the asymptotic behavior of the oscillator is determined by a spin-induced thermal filter function whose overlap with the initial thermal distribution of the oscillator determines its cooling, heating or squeezing.

Single spin optically detected magnetic resonance with 60–90 GHz (E-band) microwave resonators


Aslam, N., Pfender, M., Stöhr, R., Neumann, P., Scheffler, M., Sumiya, H., Abe, H., Onoda, S., Ohshima, T., Isoya, J. & Wrachtrup, J.


Review of Scientific Instruments 86, 64704 (2015)

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