International Workshop "Synthetic Quantum Magnetism"

Magnetism and Quantum Dimers from Driven Dissipative Dynamics in Quantum Optical Systems, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

BEC 2015

Optics of Chiral Many-Body Spin Systems - a Rydberg Implementation, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

ThinkQ 2015 conference, IBM TJ Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York

Quantum Information Processing with Atomic and Solid State Quantum Optical Systems, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

Symposium on Quantum Physics

Quantum simulations with atoms and Ions, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

Max-von-Laue-Kolloquium der Physikalischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin

Quantensimulation mit kalten Atomen und Ionen, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

IST Physics Talk

Simulation with Cold Atoms and Ions, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

Große Physikalische Kolloquium an der Universität zu Köln

Simulation with Cold Atoms and Ions, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

IST Seminar Talk

Chiral Quantum Networks with Photons and Atoms, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

College de France

Measurement of Entanglement of Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

2015 International Jacques Solvay Chair in Physics Programme

Driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems a quantum optical perspective, P. Zoller (OEAW.TH)

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