Saarbrücken, University of Saarland, Research Group on Superconductivity (U. Hartmann), 07.05.2010

G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), seminar, Wigner crystals of trapped ions.

Paris, Ecole Normale Superieure, Research Group Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (S. Haroche), 28.05.2010

G. Morigi (P8 USAAR), seminar, Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Ultracold Atoms,

Berlin, Free University, Colloquium at the Dahlem Center of Theoretical Physics, 29.06.2010

G. Morigi, seminar, Ion Coulomb Crystals: An unusual form of condensed matter.

Dies Akademikus, Saarbrücken, University of Saarland, 25.06.2010

G. Morigi, seminar, Quantenstrukturen in Materie und Licht.

Fifth International Workshop on Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence, Nice, France, 2-4.06.2010

S. Rist and G. Morigi, poster presentation, Atom counting via photon counting

M. Rizzi, invited talk, Pfaffian state generation by strong 3-body dissipation

Workshop, Nano-opto-electro-mechanical systems, ICTP Trieste, Italy, September 06-10, 2010

P. Treutlein, invited talk, 06.09.2010, Observation of bi-directional coupling between ultracold atoms and a mechanical oscillator,

Cavity-enhanced atom detection with cooperative noise


J. Goldwin, M. Trupke, J. Kenner, A. Ratnapala, E. A. Hinds

An optical microcavity with small mode radius is used to measure the local density of a cold atom cloud. Atom densities below 1 per cavity mode volume are measured with signals near the photon shot-noise limit. Atom detection is fast and efficient, reaching fidelities in excess of 97% after 10 us and 99.9% after 30 us. Notably, the fluctuations of the detected photon counts are smaller than expected for Poissonian distributions of atoms probed with Poissonian light fields.

Measuring Energy difference forces by BEC Interferometry on a Chip


F. Baumgärtner, R. J. Sewell, S. Eriksson, I. Llorente-Garcia, Jos Dingjan, J. P. Cotter, E. A. Hinds


Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 243003 (2010)

We investigate the use of a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped on an atom chip for making interferometric measurements of small forces. A fundamental limit on sensitivity is imposed by the noise in the energy difference of the split condensates, which we measure and explain. We also consider systematic errors. A leading effect is the variation of rf magnetic field in the trap with distance from the wires on the chip surface. This can produce energy differences that are comparable with those due to gravity.

Cavity QED with an ultracold ensemble on a chip: prospects of strong magnetic coupling at finite temperatures


K. Henschel, H. Ritsch, J. Majer, J. Schmiedmayer
Phys. Rev. A, 82, 033810 (2010)

We study the nonlinear dynamics of an ensemble of cold trapped atoms with a hyperfine transition magnetically coupled to a resonant microwave cavity mode. Despite the minute single atom coupling one obtains strong coupling between collective hyperfine qubits and microwave photons enabling coherent transfer of an excitation between the long lived atomic qubit state and the mode. Evidence of strong coupling can be obtained from the cavity transmission spectrum even at finite thermal photon number.

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