Quantum pioneers bag Wolf prize


The 2013 Wolf Prize in Physics has been awarded to Juan Ignacio Cirac and Peter Zoller.

The 2013 Wolf Prize in Physics has been awarded to Juan Ignacio Cirac of the Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics in Munich, Germany, and Peter Zoller of Innsbruck University in Austria for “groundbreaking theoretical contributions to quantum-information processing, quantum optics and the physics of quantum gases”. The duo will share the $100,000 prize, which will be presented by the president of Israel at the Israeli parliament (Knesset) in May.

Bosonic Josephson Junction Controlled by a Single Trapped Ion


R. Gerritsma, A. Negretti, H. Doerk, Z. Idziaszek, T. Calarco, and F. Schmidt-Kaler


Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 080402 (2012)

We theoretically investigate the properties of a double-well bosonic Josephson junction coupled to a single trapped ion. We find that the coupling between the wells can be controlled by the internal state of the ion, which can be used for studying mesoscopic entanglement between the two systems and to measure their interaction with high precision. As a particular example we consider a single 87Rb atom and a small Bose-Einstein condensate controlled by a single 171Yb+ ion.

Quantum superpositions of crystalline structures


J. D. Baltrusch, C. Cormick, G. De Chiara, T. Calarco and G. Morigi


Phys. Rev. A 84, 063821 (2011)

A procedure is discussed for creating coherent superpositions of motional states of ion strings. The motional states are across the structural transition linear-zigzag, and their coherent superposition is achieved by means of spin-dependent forces, such that a coherent superposition of the electronic states of one ion evolves into an entangled state between the chain's internal and external degrees of freedom. It is shown that the creation of such an entangled state can be revealed by performing Ramsey interferometry with one ion of the chain.

Stabilization of nonclassical states of one and two-mode radiation fields by reservoir engineering


A. Sarlette, Z. Leghtas, M. Brune, J.M. Raimond, P. Rouchon


Phys. Rev. A 86, 012114 (2012)

We analyze a quantum reservoir engineering method, originally introduced by [Sarlette et al. in Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 010402 (2011) -- arXiv 1011.5057], for the stabilization of non-classical field states in high quality cavities. We generalize the method to the protection of mesoscopic entangled field states shared by two non-degenerate field modes. The reservoir is made up of a stream of atoms undergoing successive composite interactions with the cavity, each combining resonant with non-resonant parts.

Physics Nobel Prize 2012


Serge Haroche from France and David Wineland from the United States share the 2012 Nobel Prize in physics for experimental work on quantum optics.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012 was awarded jointly to Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland "for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems".

Read the official announcement on

Philippe Grangier receives the 2012 Charles Hard Townes award


Philippe Grangier has been awarded the 2012 Charles Hard Townes prize.

The Charles Hard Townes award was established in 1980 to honor Charles Hard Townes, a pioneer in the field of masers and lasers, whose contributions led to the development of quantum electronics. It is awarded to a researcher or a group of researchers for outstanding experimental or theoretical work within the field of optics and quantum electronics.

Breakthrough in Quantum Communication

A team of scientists at MPQ realizes a first elementary quantum network based on interfaces between single atoms  and photons.

S. Ritter, C. Nölleke, C. Hahn, A. Reiserer, A. Neuzner, M. Uphoff, M. Mücke, E. Figueroa, J. Bochmann, and G. Rempe, An elementary quantum network of single atoms in optical cavities, Nature 484, 195 (2012)

The link to the article is the following:

Rainer Blatt receives DPG's Stern-Gerlach-Medaille


The highest prize for experimental physics of the German Physical Society DPG goes to AQUTE member Rainer Blatt.

Read the full story (in German).

QIPC cluster review meeting

2012-04-18 - 2012-04-20
NH Hotel Bingen, Museumstrasse 3, D-55411 Bingen (Mainz) Germany

This is the traditional QIPC cluster reviews. The program is as follows:

Denmark's largest research award goes to the "Voice" of Quantum Mechanics


Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award for Technical and Scientific Research for 2012 goes to AQUTE member Prof. Klaus Mølmer .

Professor Klaus Mølmer receives the Villum Kann Rasmussen Annual Award for Technical and Scientific Research.

For further details, please visit the following link:


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