15. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung, November 3 - 6, 2011, Saarbrücken, Germany


15. Deutsche Physikerinnentagung will be held in Saarbrücken from 03 to 06.11.2011.

Observation of Correlated Particle-Hole Pairs and String Order in Low-Dimensional Mott Insulators


M. Endres, M. Cheneau, T. Fukuhara, C. Weitenberg, P. Schauß, C. Gross, L. Mazza, M. C. Bañuls, L. Pollet, I. Bloch, S. Kuhr


Science, Vol. 334 no. 6053 pp. 200-203, (2011)
doi: 10.1126/science.1209284

Quantum phases of matter are characterized by the underlying correlations of the many-body system. Although this is typically captured by a local order parameter, it has been shown that a broad class of many-body systems possesses a hidden nonlocal order. In the case of bosonic Mott insulators, the ground state properties are governed by quantum fluctuations in the form of correlated particle-hole pairs that lead to the emergence of a nonlocal string order in one dimension.

A Microscopic View on Quantum Fluctuations

The press release is available at the following link:

The link to the paper is the following:

Physikalisches Kolloquium der TU Graz, March 16, 2011, Graz, Austria

Th. Schumm (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Particle correlations on matter-wave optics

ESF Konferenz Frontiers of Matter Wave Optics, March 20 - 26, 2011, Obergurgl, Austria

Th. Schumm (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, A down-conversion source for twin atom beams

Quantum Transport in Dilute Gases, July 4 - 15, 2011, Benasque, Spain

D. A. Smith (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Relaxation Dynamics in a Many-Body Quantum System

The Atomic and Molecular Physics Seminar, April 7, 2011, Durham, England, UK

D. A. Smith (P12 TUWIEN), invited talk, Non Equilibrium of a Many-Body Quantum Systems

Austrian-Swiss Physical Society Meeting, June 15 - 17, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland

C. Novotny, fr. R. Diorico, S. Minniberger, C. Hufnagel, R. Amsüss, C. Koller, N. Lippok, S. Haslinger, M. Schramböck, J. Majer, S. Schneider, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Magnetic transport of ultra-cold atoms into a cryostat for integrating atomic ans solid-state quantum bits

DFG Graduiertenkolleg 792, February 9, 2011, Kaiserlautum, Germany

T. Langen, M. Gring, M. Kuhnert, M. Schreitel, D. A. Smith, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Non-equilibrium dynamics of 1d Bose gases studied via noise distributions

CoQuS graduate school Secondment at Quantum Optics Group ETH Zürich, March 2011, Zürich, Switzerland

M. Kuhnert (P12 TUWIEN), Non-Equilibrium Many-Body Dynamics on an AtomChip

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