CoQuS graduate school colloquium, May 16, 2011, Wien, Austria

M. Gring, M. Kuhnert, T. Langen, D. A. Smith, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Relaxation Dynamics and Prethermalization in a Quantum System

ÖPG/SPS Tagung, June 16, 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland

R. Amsüss, C. Koller, T. Nöbauer, S. Putz, M. Schramböck, S. Rotter, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, J. Majer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Hybrid Quantum System: Coupling Color Centers to Superconducting Cavities

SFB Meeting, July 7- 8, 2011, Innsbruck, Austria

S. Van Frank, R. Bücker, J. Grond, S. Manz, T. Berrada, Th. Betz, C. Koller, U. Hohenester, Th. Schumm, A. Perrin, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), poster, Single mode twin-atom beams

T. Langen, M. Gring, M. Kuhnert, I. Mazets, D. A. Smith, H.-J. Schmiedmayer (P12 TUWIEN), talk, Relaxation Dynamics and Pre-thermalization in a Quantum System

Interferometry with Bose-Einstein Condensates on Atom Chips


Thorsten Schumm, R. Bücker, D. A. Smith, S. Manz, H.-J. Schmiedmayer


in: "Atom Chips", WILEY-VCH Verlag, 2011, ISBN: 978-3527407552

Single spontaneous photon as a coherent beamsplitter for an atomic matter-wave


J. Tomkovic, M. Schreiber, J. Welte, M. Kiffner, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, M.K. Oberthaler


Nature Physics, (2011), pp. 1 - 8
doi: 10.1038/NPHYS1961

In spontaneous emission an atom in an excited state undergoes a transition to the ground state and emits a single photon. Associated with the emission is a change of the atomic momentum due to photon recoil. Photon emission can be modified close to surfaces and in cavities. For an ion, localized in front of a mirror, coherence of the emitted resonance fluorescence has been reported. Previous experiments demonstrated that spontaneous emission destroys motional coherence.

Dephasing in coherently split quasicondensates


H.P. Stimming, N. Mauser, H.-J. Schmiedmayer, I. Mazets


Physical Review A, 83 (2011)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.023618

We numerically model the evolution of a pair of coherently split quasicondensates. A truly one-dimensional case is assumed, so that the loss of the (initially high) coherence between the two quasicondensates is due to dephasing only, but not due to the violation of integrability and subsequent thermalization (which are excluded from the present model).

Absorption imaging of ultracold atoms on atom chips


D. A. Smith, Simon Aigner, S. Hofferberth, M. Gring, M. Andersson, S. Wildermuth, P. Krüger, S. Schneider, Thorsten Schumm, H.-J. Schmiedmayer


Optics Express, 19 (2011), Issue 9, pp. 8471-8485

Imaging ultracold atomic gases close to surfaces is an important tool for the detailed analysis of experiments carried out using atom chips. We describe the critical factors that need be considered, especially when the imaging beam is purposely reflected from the surface. In particular we present methods to measure the atom-surface distance, which is a prerequisite for magnetic field imaging and studies of atom surface-interactions.

Integrated circuits for matter waves


H.-J. Schmiedmayer, Thorsten Schumm


Physics, 4 (2011), p. 37
doi: 10.1103/Physics.4.37

Electrons join the growing technology to build integrated quantum circuits that guide matter waves on a chip.

Dynamics and kinetics of quasiparticle decay in a nearly-one-dimensional degenerate Bose gas


I. Mazets


Physical Review A, 83 (2011), pp. 1 - 9

We consider decay of a quasiparticle in a nearly-one-dimensional quasicondensate of trapped atoms, where virtual excitations of transverse modes break down one-dimensionality and integrability, giving rise to effective three-body elastic collisions. We calculate the matrix element for the process that involves one incoming quasiparticle and three outgoing quasiparticles. Scattering that involves low-frequency modes with high thermal population results in a diffusive dynamics of a bunch of quasiparticles created in the system.

An array of integrated atom-photon junctions


M. Kohnen, M. Succo, P. Petrov, M. Trupke, E.A. Hinds


Nature Photonics, 5 (2011), pp. 35 - 38

Photonic chips that integrate optical elements on a single device can process vast amounts of information rapidly. A new branch of this technology involves coupling light to cold atoms or Bose–Einstein condensates, the quantum nature of which provides a basis for new information-processing methods. The use of optical waveguides gives the light a small cross-section, making coupling to atoms efficient.

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