High Finesse Fiber Fabry-Perot Cavities: Stabilization and Mode Matching Analysis


J. Gallego, S. Ghosh, S. K. Alavi, W. Alt, M. Martinez-Dorantes, D. Meschede and L. Ratschbacher


Applied Physics B 122, 47 (2016)

Fiber Fabry-Perot cavities, formed by micro-machined mirrors on the end-facets of optical fibers, are used in an increasing number of technical and scientific applications, where they typically require precise stabilization of their optical resonances. Here, we study two different approaches to construct fiber Fabry-Perot resonators and stabilize their length for experiments in cavity quantum electrodynamics with neutral atoms.

Ultra-low birefringence dodecagonal vacuum glass cell


Stefan Brakhane, Wolfgang Alt, Dieter Meschede, Carsten Robens, Geol Moon, and Andrea Alberti


Rev. Sci. Instrum. 86, 126108 (2015)

We report on an ultra-low birefringence dodecagonal glass cell for ultra-high vacuum applications.

Quantum Walks With Neutral Atoms: Quantum Interference Effects of One and Two Particles


Carsten Robens, Stefan Brakhane, Dieter Meschede, Andrea Alberti


Proceedings of the XXII International Conference ICOLS (2015)

We report on the state of the art of quantum walk experiments with neutral atoms in state-dependent optical lattices. We demonstrate a novel state-dependent transport technique enabling the control of two spin-selective sublattices in a fully independent fashion. This transport technique allowed us to carry out a test of single-particle quantum interference based on the violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality and, more recently, to probe two-particle quantum interference effects with neutral atoms cooled into the motional ground state.

Hologram of a Single Photon


Radosław Chrapkiewicz, Michał Jachura, Konrad Banaszek, Wojciech Wasilewski

The spatial structure of single photons is becoming an extensively explored resource used for facilitating the free-space quantum key distribution and quantum computation as well as for benchmarking the limits of quantum entanglement generation with orbital angular momentum modes or reduction of the photon free-space propagation speed.

Super-additivity in communication of classical information through quantum channels from a quantum parameter estimation perspective


Jan Czajkowski, Marcin Jarzyna, Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański

We point out a contrasting role the entanglement plays in communication and estimation scenarios.
In the first case it brings noticeable benefits at the measurement stage (output super-additvity),
whereas in the latter it is the entanglement of the input probes that enables significant performance
enhancement (input super-additvity). We identify a weak estimation regime where a strong connection
between concepts crucial to the two fields is demonstrated; the accessible information and the
Holevo quantity on one side and the quantum Fisher information related quantities on the other.

The Quantum Allan Variance


Krzysztof Chabuda, Ian Leroux, Rafal Demkowicz-Dobrzanski

In atomic clocks, the frequency of a local oscillator is stabilized based on the feedback signal obtained by periodically interrogating an atomic reference system. The instability of the clock is characterized by the Allan variance, a measure widely used to describe the noise of frequency standards.

Quantum memory receiver for superadditive communication using binary coherent states


Aleksandra Klimek, Michał Jachura, Wojciech Wasilewski, Konrad Banaszek


Journal of Modern Optics, DOI: 10.1080/09500340.2016.1173731 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.06561.pdf

We propose a simple architecture based on multimode quantum memories for collective readout of classical information keyed using a pair coherent states, exemplified by the well-known binary phase shift keying format. Such a configuration enables demonstration of the superadditivity effect in classical communication over quantum channels, where the transmission rate becomes enhanced through joint detection applied to multiple channel uses.

Scheme for on-chip verification of transverse mode entanglement using the electro-optic effect


Divya Bharadwaj, K. Thyagarajan, Michał Jachura, Michał Karpiński, Konrad Banaszek


Optics Express 23, 33087-33098 (2015) http://arxiv.org/pdf/1510.04204v2.pdf

A key ingredient in emerging quantum-enhanced technologies is the ability to coherently manipulate and detect superpositions of basis states. In integrated optics implementations, transverse spatial modes supported by multimode structures offer an attractive carrier of quantum superpositions. Here we propose an integrated dynamic mode converter based on the electro-optic effect in nonlinear channel waveguides for deterministic transformations between mutually non-orthogonal bases of spatial modes.

Phase noise in collective binary phase shift keying with Hadamard words


Marcin Jarzyna, Victoria Lipińska, Aleksandra Klimek, Konrad Banaszek, Matteo G. A. Paris


Optics Express 24, 1693-1698 (2016) https://arxiv.org/abs/1509.00009

We analyze the effect of phase fluctuations in an optical communication scheme based on collective detection of sequences of binary coherent state symbols using linear optics and photon counting. When the phase noise is absent, the scheme offers qualitatively improved nonlinear scaling of the spectral efficiency with the mean photon number in the low-power regime compared to individual detection.

Mode engineering for realistic quantum-enhanced interferometry


Michał Jachura, Radosław Chrapkiewicz, Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański, Wojciech Wasilewski, Konrad Banaszek


Nature Communications 7, 11411 (2016) http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.05435.pdf

Quantum metrology overcomes standard precision limits by exploiting collective quantum superpositions of physical systems used for sensing, with the prominent example of non-classical multiphoton states improving interferometric techniques. Practical quantum-enhanced interferometry is, however, vulnerable to imperfections such as partial distinguishability of interfering photons. Here we introduce a method where appropriate design of the modal structure of input photons can alleviate deleterious effects caused by another, experimentally inaccessible degree of freedom.

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