Ultimate classical communication rates of quantum optical channels

V. Giovannetti, R. Garcia-Patrón, N. J. Cerf, A. S. Holevo
Nature Photonics 8, 796-800 (2014)

Measurement-Device-Independent Quantum Key Distribution over 200 km

Y-L. Tang, H-L. Yin, S-J.Chen, Y. Liu, W-J. Zhang, X. Jiang, L. Zhang, J. Wang, L-X. You, J-Y. Guan, D- X. Yang, Z. Wang, H. Liang, Z. Zhang, N. Zhou, X. Ma, T-Y. Chen, Q. Zhang, and J-W. Pan
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 190501 (2014)

Measurement-device–independent quantum key distribution (MDIQKD) represents a valid alternative for quantum cryptography. It requires fewer assumptions for security than standard prepare-and-measure schemes, while its implementation is less demanding than fully device-independent protocols.

Bidirectional and efficient conversion between microwave and optical light

R. W. Andrews, R. W. Peterson, T. P. Purdy, K. Cicak, R. W. Simmonds, C. A. Regal, and K. W. Lehnert Nature Physics 10, 321-326 (2014)

Experimental results demonstrating optical gates, or switches, based on atomic systems that respond at the single photon level, or photon-photon interactions

A quantum gate between a flying optical photon and a single trapped atom
A. Reiserer, N. Kalb, G. Rempe, S. Ritter
Nature 508, 237-240 (2014);
Nanophotonic quantum phase switch with a single atom
T. G. Tiecke, J. D. Thompson, N. P. de Leon, L. R. Liu, V. Vuletic, M. D. Lukin Nature 508, 241-244 (2014);
Nonlinear π phase shift for single fibre-guided photons interacting with a single resonator-enhanced atom
J. Volz, M. Scheucher, C. Junge, A. Rauschenbeutel
Nature Photonics 8, 965-970 (2014);

Two significant experimental demonstrations of quantum teleportation

Quantum teleportation from a telecom-wavelength photon to a solid-state quantum memory
F. Bussières, C. Clausen, A. Tiranov, B. Korzh, V. B Verma, S.W. Nam, F. Marsili, A. Ferrier, P. Goldner, H. Herrmann, C. Silberhorn, W. Sohler, M. Afzelius, N. Gisin
Nature Photonics 8, 775-778 (2014);
Unconditional quantum teleportation between distant solid-state quantum bits
W. Pfaff, B.J. Hensen, H. Bernien, S.B. van Dam, M.S. Blok, T.H. Taminiau, M.J. Tiggelman, R.N. Schouten, M. Markham, D.J. Twitchen, R. Hanson

An Aharonov-Bohm interferometer for determining Bloch band topology

L. Duca, T. Li, M. Reitter, I. Bloch, M. Schleier-Smith, U. Schneider Science 347, 288 (2015), published online Science Express (Dec. 2014)

The geometric structure of a single-particle energy band in a solid is fundamental for a wide range of many- body phenomena and is uniquely characterized by the distribution of Berry curvature over the Brillouin zone.

Two-dimensional lattice gauge theories with superconducting quantum circuits

D. Marcos, P. Widmer, E. Rico, M. Hafezi, P. Rabl, U.-J. Wiese, P. Zoller Annals of Physics 351, 634-654 (2014)

Despite significant progress and efforts, lattice gauge theories remain to be challenging to be simulated on classical computers. A quantum simulator of U(1) lattice gauge theories can however be implemented with superconducting circuits. This allows, for instance, the investigation of confined and deconfined phases in quantum link models, and of valence bond solid and spin liquid phases in quantum dimer models.

A mixture of Bose and Fermi superfluids

I. Ferrier-Barbut, M. Delehaye, S. Laurent, A. T. Grier, M. Pierce, B. S. Rem, F. Chevy, C. Salomon Science 345, 1035-1038 (2014)

Superfluidity and superconductivity, are striking signatures of quantum mechanics at the macroscopic level, resulting in extraordinary features like the absence of viscosity or resistance in superconducting metals. In liquid helium and dilute gases, Bose and Fermi superfluidity has been observed separately, but producing a mixture in which both the fermionic and the bosonic components are superfluid is challenging.

Experimental investigation, using trapped ions, of quantum correlation propagation in systems with long-range interactions

Non-local propagation of correlations in quantum systems with long-range interactions
P. Richerme, Z.-X. Gong, A. Lee, C. Senko, J. Smith, M. Foss-Feig, S. Michalakis, A. V. Gorshkov, C. Monroe
Nature 511, 198-201 (2014);
Quasiparticle engineering and entanglement propagation in a quantum many-body system
P. Jurcevic, B. P. Lanyon, P. Hauke, C. Hempel, P. Zoller, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos Nature 511, 202-205 (2014)

Observation of chiral currents with ultracold atoms in bosonic ladders

M. Atala, M. Aidelsburger, M. Lohse, J. T. Barreiro, B. Paredes, I. Bloch
Nature Physics 10, 588–593 (2014)

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