Heralded Quantum Gates with Integrated Error Detection in Optical Cavities


J. Borregaard, P. Kómár, E. M. Kessler, A. S. Sørensen, and M. D. Lukin


Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 110502 (2015)

We propose and analyze heralded quantum gates between qubits in optical cavities. They employ an auxiliary qubit to report if a successful gate occurred. In this manner, the errors, which would have corrupted a deterministic gate, are converted into a nonunity probability of success: once successful, the gate has a much higher fidelity than a similar deterministic gate.

Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop

Bristol Quantum Information Technologies Workshop, Bristol, UK
participation of Grégoire Ribordy to the round table on Quantum Technologies



SIGS Technology Summit

SIGS Technology Summit, Bern, Switzerland
presentation by Grégoire Ribordy: "Quantum-safe cryptography"


2nd ETSI Quantum Safe Workshop

2nd ETSI Quantum Safe Workshop, Ottawa, Canada
presentation by Grégorie Ribordy: "Quantum Random Number Generator"


Euroscience Open Forum 2014

Euroscience Open Forum 2014, Copenhagen
presentation from grégoire Ribordy: "A new era of quantum mechanics"
25 June 2014

7th Winterschool on quantum communications

7th Winterschool on quantum communications, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
organized by ID Quantique SA
From 18 to 22 January 2015

Attacks exploiting deviation of mean photon number in quantum key distribution and coin tossing


Shihan Sajeed, Igor Radchenko, Sarah Kaiser, Jean-Philippe Bourgoin, Anna Pappa, Laurent Monat, Matthieu Legre, Vadim Makarov


Phys. Rev. A 91, 032326 (2015)

Random Variation of Detector Efficiency: A Countermeasure against Detector Blinding Attacks for Quantum Key Distribution


Charles Ci Wen Lim, Nino Walenta, Matthieu Legre, Nicolas Gisin, Hugo Zbinden


IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol.21, no.3, pp.1,5, May-June 2015

In the recent decade, it has been discovered that QKD systems are extremely vulnerable to side-channel attacks.In particular, by exploiting the internal working knowledge of practical detectors, it is possible to bring them to an operating region whereby only certain target detectors are sensitive to detections. Crucially, the adversary can use this loophole to learn everything about the secret key without introducing any error to the quantum channel.

Algorithms for finite Projected Entangled Pair States


Michael Lubasch, J. Ignacio Cirac, Mari-Carmen Bañuls


Phys. Rev. B 90, 064425 (2014)

Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) are a promising ansatz for the study of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems in two dimensions. But due to their high computational cost, developing and improving PEPS algorithms is necessary to make the ansatz widely usable in practice. Here we analyze several algorithmic aspects of the method.

Cavity-Modified Collective Rayleigh Scattering of Two Atoms


René Reimann, Wolfgang Alt, Tobias Kampschulte, Tobias Macha, Lothar Ratschbacher, Natalie Thau, Seokchan Yoon, and Dieter Meschede


Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 023601 (2015)

We report on the observation of cooperative radiation of exactly two neutral atoms strongly coupled to the single mode field of an optical cavity, which is close to the lossless-cavity limit. Monitoring the cavity output power, we observe constructive and destructive interference of collective Rayleigh scattering for certain relative distances between the two atoms.

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