Seeking for project partners EU FP7-ICT-2011 Call 9

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Seeking for project partners
EU FP7-ICT-2011 Call 9
Objective ICT-2011.9.9: Quantum Information and Communication Technologies (QICT)

The Mobile Communications and Quantum Technology Laboratory at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary is seeking project partners for QICT research in EU FP7-ICT-2011 Call 9, Objective ICT-2011.9.9: Quantum Information and Communication Technologies (QICT).

1. Project idea

The success of future long-distance quantum communications and global quantum key distribution systems strongly depends on the existence of quantum repeaters. An efficient quantum repeater has not been developed so far. Our primary goal is to develop and experimentally implement an efficient quantum repeater that will provide new perspectives in long-distance quantum communications in the future. We also would like to do research on secure quantum communications over fiber-based and free-space quantum channels.

2. Request for partners

We are interested in cooperation with research groups that deal with application of quantum mechanics on info-communication technologies. We have a strong theoretical background in quantum computing and communications, therefore we would like to join a research consortium that has access to experimental infrastructure for doing QICT research and prototype development and intends to submit a project proposal for EU FP7-ICT-2011 Call 9, Objective ICT-2011.9.9: Quantum Information and Communication Technologies (QICT).

3. Competency and expertise

The Mobile Communications and Quantum Technology Laboratory is a relatively new research organization at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. The leader of the Laboratory is Prof. Sandor Imre, who has written two books on QICT: ‘Quantum Computing and Communications - An Engineering Approach’ (2005, Wiley) and ‘Advanced Quantum Communications - An Engineering Approach’ (2012, Wiley-IEEE Press). The Laboratory consists of experienced researchers and talented PhD students in different areas of information theory, quantum computing and communications. They published a number of scientific articles in the field of quantum computation and communications, quantum cryptography and quantum information theory.

The main research topics of the laboratory are the followings:

  • communication over very noisy quantum channels;
  • superactivation of zero-capacity quantum channels;
  • transmission of quantum information over Earth-satellite and satellite-satellite links;
  • quantum repeaters in optical networks.

The current research work of the team aims at open problems of quantum channels, quantum channel coding techniques, long-distance secure quantum communications and at practical implementation of quantum communication technologies.

4. Contact

Dr. Sandor Imre, Head of Department

Department of Telecommunications
Mobile Communications and Quantum Technology Laboratory
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Tel.: +36-1-463-3261
E-mail: imre [at] hit [dot] bme [dot] hu