Unifying Projected Entangled Pair States contractions

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M. Lubasch, J. I. Cirac, M. C. Bañuls


New J. Phys. 16, 033014 (2014)

The approximate contraction of a Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS) tensor network is a fundamental ingredient of any PEPS algorithm, required for the optimization of the tensors in ground state search or time evolution, as well as for the evaluation of expectation values. An exact contraction is in general impossible, and the choice of the approximating procedure determines the efficiency and accuracy of the algorithm. We analyze different previous proposals for this approximation, and show that they can be understood via the form of their environment, i.e. the operator that results from contracting part of the network. This provides physical insight into the limitation of various approaches, and allows us to introduce a new strategy, based on the idea of clusters, that unifies previous methods. The resulting contraction algorithm interpolates naturally between the cheapest and most imprecise and the most costly and most precise method. We benchmark the different algorithms with finite PEPS, and show how the cluster strategy can be used for both the tensor optimization and the calculation of expectation values. Additionally, we discuss its applicability to the parallelization of PEPS and to infinite systems (iPEPS).