Spectroscopic observation of SU(N)-symmetric interactions in Sr orbital magnetism

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X. Zhang, M. Bishof, S. L. Bromley, C. V. Kraus, M. S. Safronova, P. Zoller, A. M. Rey, J. Ye


Science 345, 1467 (2014).

SU(N) symmetry can emerge in a quantum system with N single-particle spin states when spin is decoupled from inter-particle interactions. So far, only indirect evidence for this symmetry exists, and the scattering parameters remain largely unknown. Here we report the first spectroscopic observation of SU(N=10) symmetry in Sr-87 using the state-of-the-art measurement precision offered by an ultra-stable laser. By encoding the electronic orbital degree of freedom in two clock states, while keeping the system open to 10 nuclear spin sublevels, we probe the non-equilibrium two-orbital SU(N) magnetism via Ramsey spectroscopy of atoms confined in an array of two-dimensional optical traps. We study the spin-orbital quantum dynamics and determine all relevant interaction parameters. This work prepares for using alkaline-earth atoms as test-beds for iconic orbital models.