Seeded excitation avalanches in off-resonantly driven Rydberg gases

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C. Simonelli, M.M. Valado, G. Masella, L. Asteria, E. Arimondo, D. Ciampini, O. Morsch


Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 49 (15), 154002 and arXiv:1602.01257

We report an experimental investigation of the facilitated excitation dynamics in off-resonantly driven Rydberg gases by separating the initial off-resonant excitation phase from the facilitation phase, in which successive facilitation events lead to excitation avalanches. We achieve this by creating a controlled number of initial seed excitations. Greater insight into the avalanche mechanism is obtained from an analysis of the full counting distributions. We also present simple mathematical models and numerical simulations of the excitation avalanches that agree well with our experimental results.