Quantum simulation of the Schwinger model: A study of feasibility

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Stefan Kühn, J. Ignacio Cirac, Mari-Carmen Bañuls


Phys. Rev. A 90, 042305 (2014)

We analyze some crucial questions regarding the practical feasibility of quantum simulation for lattice gauge models. Our analysis focuses on two different models suitable for the quantum simulation of the Schwinger Hamiltonian which we investigate numerically using Tensor Networks. In particular we explore the effect of representing the gauge degrees of freedom with finite dimensional systems, and show that the results converge fast, thus even with small dimensions it is possible to obtain reasonable accuracy. We also discuss the time scales required for the adiabatic preparation of the interacting vacuum state, and observe that for a suitable ramping of the interaction the required time is almost insensitive to the system size and the dimension of the physical systems. Finally, we address the possible presence of non-invariant terms in the Hamiltonian that is realized in the experiment, and show that for small levels of noise it is still possible to achieve good precision for some ground state observables, even if the gauge symmetry is not exact in the implemented model.