Percolation thresholds for discrete-continuous models with nonuniform probabilities of bond formation

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2015-10-05 - 2016-02-18

Bartłomiej Szczygieł, Marek Dudyński, Kamil Kwiatkowski, Maciej Lewenstein, Gerald John Lapeyre, Jr., and Jan Wehr


Phys. Rev. E 93, 022127

We introduce a class of discrete-continuous percolation models and an efficient Monte Carlo algorithm for computing their properties. The class is general enough to include well-known discrete and continuous models as special cases. We focus on a particular example of such a model, a nanotube model of disintegration of activated carbon. We calculate its exact critical threshold in two dimensions and obtain a Monte Carlo estimate in three dimensions. Furthermore, we use this example to analyze and characterize the efficiency of our algorithm, by computing critical exponents and properties, finding that it compares favorably to well-known algorithms for simpler systems.