Optimal Control of Open Quantum Systems: Cooperative Effects of Driving and Dissipation

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R. Schmidt, A. Negretti, J. Ankerhold, T. Calarco, J. T. Stockburger


Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 130404 (2011)

We investigate the optimal control of open quantum systems, in particular, the mutual influence of driving and dissipation. A stochastic approach to open-system control is developed, using a generalized version of Krotov’s iterative algorithm, with no need for Markovian or rotating-wave approximations. The application to a harmonic degree of freedom reveals cooperative effects of driving and dissipation that a standard Markovian treatment cannot capture. Remarkably, control can modify the open-system dynamics to the point where the entropy change turns negative, thus achieving cooling of translational motion without any reliance on internal degrees of freedom.