Induced superconductivity in graphene grown on rhenium

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C. Tonnoir, A. Kimouche, J. Coraux, L. Magaud, B. Delsol, B. Gilles, and C. Chapelier


To be published in Physical Review Letters

We report a new way to strongly couple graphene to a superconductor. The graphene monolayer has been grown directly on top of a superconducting Re(0001) thin film and characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy. We observed a moir\'{e} pattern due to the mismatch between Re and graphene lattice parameters, that we have simulated with \textit{ab initio} calculations. The density of states around the Fermi energy appears to be position dependent on this moir\'{e} pattern. Tunneling spectroscopy performed at 50 mK shows that the superconducting behavior of graphene on Re is well described by the Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer theory and stands for a very good interface between the graphene and its metallic substrate.