Implementations for device-independent quantum key distribution

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2015-11-02 - 2016-03-07

Alejandro Máttar, Antonio Acín


Physica Scripta, Volume 91, Number 4

Device-independent quantum key distribution (DIQKD) generates a secret key among two parties in a provably secure way without making assumptions about the internal working of the devices used in the protocol. The main challenge for a DIQKD physical implementation is that the data observed among the two parties must violate a Bell inequality without fair-sampling, since otherwise the observed correlations can be faked with classical resources and security can no longer be guaranteed. In spite of the advances recently made to achieve higher detection efficiencies in Bell experiments, DIQKD remains experimentally difficult at long distances due to the exponential increase of loss in the channel separating the two parties. Here we describe and analyze plausible solutions to overcome the crucial problem of channel loss in the frame of DIQKD physical implementations.