Four-qubit entangled symmetric states with positive partial transpositions

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J. Tura, R. Augusiak, P. Hyllus, M. Kuś, J. Samsonowicz, M. Lewenstein



DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.060302

PACS: 03.67.-a, 03.65.Ud

We solve the open question of the existence of four-qubit entangled symmetric states with positive partial transpositions (PPT states). We reach this goal with two different approaches. First, we propose a half-analytical–half-numerical method that allows us to construct multipartite PPT entangled symmetric states (PPTESSs) from the qubit-qudit PPT entangled states. Second, we adapt the algorithm allowing us to search for extremal elements in the convex set of bipartite PPT states [ Phys. Rev. A 76 034304 (2007)] to the multipartite scenario. With its aid we search for extremal four-qubit PPTESSs and show that generically they have ranks (5,7,8). Finally, we provide an exhaustive characterization of these states with respect to their separability properties.