Dissipation-Induced d-Wave Pairing of Fermionic Atoms in an Optical Lattice

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S. Diehl, W. Yi, A.J. Daley, P. Zoller


Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 227001 (2010)

We show how dissipative dynamics can give rise to pairing for two-component fermions on a lattice. In particular, we construct a parent Liouvillian operator so that a BCS-type state of a given symmetry, e.g., a d-wave state, is reached for arbitrary initial states in the absence of conservative forces. The system-bath couplings describe single-particle, number-conserving and quasilocal processes. The pairing mechanism crucially relies on Fermi statistics. We show how such Liouvillians can be realized via reservoir engineering with cold atoms representing a driven dissipative dynamics.