Controlling the transport of an ion: Classical and quantum mechanical solutions

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H. A. Fürst, M. H. Goerz, U. G. Poschinger, M. Murphy, S. Montangero, T.
Calarco, F. Schmidt-Kaler, K. Singer, C. P. Koch


Journal reference: New J. Phys. 16, 075007 (2014)
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/16/7/075007

We investigate the performance of different control techniques for ion transport in state-of-the-art segmented miniaturized ion traps. We employ numerical optimization of classical trajectories and quantum wavepacket propagation as well as analytical solutions derived from invariant based inverse engineering and geometric optimal control. We find that accurate shuttling can be performed with operation times below the trap oscillation period. The maximum speed is limited by the maximum acceleration that can be exerted on the ion. When using controls obtained from classical dynamics for wavepacket propagation, wavepacket squeezing is the only quantum effect that comes into play for a large range of trapping parameters. We show that this can be corrected by a compensating force derived from invariant based inverse engineering, without a significant increase in the operation time.