Coherent excitation of a single atom to a Rydberg state

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Y. Miroshnychenko, A. Gaëtan, C. Evellin, P. Grangier, D. Comparat, P. Pillet, T. Wilk, A. Browaeys
Physical Review A, 82,(1), 8 (2010)

We present the coherent excitation of a single Rubidium atom to the Rydberg state 58d3/2 using a two-photon transition. The experimental setup is described in detail, as well as experimental techniques and procedures. The coherence of the excitation is revealed by observing Rabi oscillations between ground and Rydberg states of the atom. We analyze the observed oscillations in detail and compare them to numerical simulations which include imperfections of our experimental system. Strategies for future improvements on the coherent manipulation of a single atom in our settings are given.