Circuit quantum electrodynamics in the ultrastrong-coupling regime

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T. Niemczyk, F. Deppe, H. Huebl, E. P. Menzel, F. Hocke, M. J. Schwarz, J. J. García-Ripoll, D.
Zueco, T. Hümmer, E. Solano, A. Marx, and R. Gross


Nature Physics 6, 772–776 (2010)

In circuit quantum electrodynamics (QED), where superconducting artificial atoms are coupled to on-chip cavities, the exploration of fundamental quantum physics in the strong-coupling regime has greatly evolved. In this regime, an atom and a cavity can exchange a photon frequently before coherence is lost. Nevertheless, all experiments so far are well described by the renowned Jaynes–Cummings model. Here, we report on the first experimental realization of a circuit QED system operating in the ultrastrong-coupling limit, where the atom–cavity coupling rate g reaches a considerable fraction of the cavity transition frequency ωr. Furthermore, we present direct evidence for the breakdown of the Jaynes–Cummings model. We reach remarkable normalized coupling rates g/ωr of up to 12% by enhancing the inductive coupling of a flux qubit to a transmission line resonator. Our circuit extends the toolbox of quantum optics on a chip towards exciting explorations of ultrastrong light–matter interaction.