Bosonic fractional quantum Hall states on the torus from conformal field theory

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Anne E. B. Nielsen and German Sierra


J. Stat. Mech. (2014) P04007

The Kalmeyer-Laughlin state, which is a lattice version of the bosonic Laughlin state at filling factor one half, has attracted much attention due to its topological and chiral spin liquid properties. Here we show that the Kalmeyer-Laughlin state on the torus can be expressed in terms of a correlator of conformal fields from the SU(2)1 Wess-Zumino-Witten model. This reveals an interesting underlying mathematical structure and provides a natural way to generalize the Kalmeyer-Laughlin state to arbitrary lattices on the torus. We find that the many-body Chern number of the states is unity for more different lattices, which suggests that the topological properties of the states are preserved when the lattice is changed. Finally, we analyze the symmetry properties of the states on square lattices.