Quantum Opto-Electronics with Semiconductor Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes

2010-03-04 - 2010-07-19

L. P. Kouwenhoven


Series of presentation in the USA with the title “Quantum Opto-Electronics with Semiconductor Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes” at:

  • 4 March seminar at Harvard University (host Yacoby)
  • 22 April Colloquium at MIT (host Jarillo-Herrero)
  • 30 April seminar at IBM Yorktown Heights (host DiVincenzo)>
  • 5 May Colloquium at City College (host Sarachik)
  • 7 May Colloquium at John Hopkins (host Markovich)
  • 10 May seminar at Princeton (host Shayegan)
  • 18 May seminar at Cornell (host McEuen)
  • 12 July seminar at Penn University (host Johnson)
  • 19 July seminar  at Yale (host Glazman)>