Industry Session at QIPC'11

QIPC'11, Zürich, September 5-9, 2011

After the successful Industry Sessions held at the previous QIPC meetings in Barcelona’07 and Rome’09, the event at QIPC'11 again offered a platform for exchanges between academic researchers and industry leaders.

There were presentations by Dr. Bruno Michel, from IBM Research, Zürich, who talked about 'Computing after scaling: New computation paradigms', and Dr. Grégoire Ribordy, CEO of ID Quantique, who are celebrating their 10th anniversary this year. The title of his presentation was accordingly 'Commercializing QITechnology for 10 years'.

On new and promising potential applications in quantum metrology there were presentations by two researchers, Dr. Jürgen Appel from the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, who talked about 'Mesoscopic atomic superposition states for metrology and QI', and Dr. Bruno Sanguinetti from the Group of Applied Physics in Geneva with a presentation on 'Quantum cloning for absolute radiometry'.

The session was opened by Tommaso Calarco, from the QUIE2T network, who briefly explained the aim and the history of the activity, and hosted by Nicolas Gisin, who further explained the new format of having representatives from industry and academic research in the session. The event was well attended and sparked a number of interesting questions and lively discussions.

ID Quantique had a stand at the conference, showcasing some of their commercial products, like for instance QUANTIS (a true random-number generator) and CLAVIS2 (a QKD research platform).