Seven Phd Fellowships in Theory and Numerical Simulation of Condensed Matter @ SISSA, Trieste

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3 March, 2020


SISSA Trieste
Seven fully funded Ph.D. positions in Theory and Numerical Simulation of Condensed Matter are available at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste, Italy ( ). The deadline for the online application is March, 3rd at 12:00 (noon).

The Condensed Matter group features a wide spectrum of activities including Adiabatic Quantum Computing, Non-equilibrium dynamics of strongly interacting quantum systems, quantum simulation of exotic quantum phases and topological matter.

SISSA is also a founding member of the Institute for Theoretical Quantum Technologies (TQT) ( ), a joint institute including also ICTP and the University of Trieste which coordinates and promotes research activities related to Quantum Technologies building a quantum hub in Trieste.

Possible supervisors and coworkers include the SISSA staff ( ), the researchers of the Condensed Matter Group at ICTP ( ) and of the Democritos Centre of IOM-CNR. The condensed matter group also hosts several projects financed by the European Research Council, the European Union and others and therefore a number of post-doc researchers

The candidates with the best evaluation based on academic and scientific qualifications will be invited for an oral exam/interview scheduled between March, 23 and March 27.

Candidates will be informed by email about the day and time of the oral exam that, upon request, can be taken by videoconference, preferably through Skype. The outcome of the selection will be notified shortly after the completion of the interviews.

The successful candidates will start their Ph.D. on October, 1st. Candidates are required to obtain a Master Degree before the end of October 2020.

Applications can be submitted online:


For scientific matters and the organization of the Ph.D program

cm [at] sissa [dot] it

For questions about the online procedure and problems with the application

phd [at] sissa [dot] it