Professorship in Experimental Atomic Physics

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Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz
30 April, 2011


Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz Mainz
49° 59' 42.4428" N, 8° 16' 2.7336" E

The Department of Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science at the Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz invites applications to fill, at the earliest possible date, the position of a

Professorship in Experimental Atomic Physics
(Full Professor, Bes.Gr. W3 BBesG)

We seek an expert in the field of atomic physics with international reputation and an outstanding record of experimental accomplishments in high-precision tests of fundamental interactions and symmetries.

The new professorship is established by the recently founded Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM), a cooperation of the Johannes Gutenberg-University o Mainz with the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt.

The successful candidate is expected

  • to teach the subject area of experimental physics in its entire scope,
  • to head the research division "Symmetry of Matter and Anti-Matter" at HIM and to promote the scientific program of this section, and
  • to take a leading role in activities promoting scientific excellence at the University of Mainz and in planning and implementing atomic physics experiments to be conducted at the future "Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research" (FAIR) at the GSI in Darmstadt for tests of fundamental interactions and symmetries.

Applicants must have a PhD in physics and a proven first-rate research record Moreover, the formal regulations set out in § 49 Hochschulgesetz Rheinland-Pfalz must be fulfilled.

The State of Rhineland-Palatinate and the Johannes Gutenberg-University o Mainz promote the concept of intensive tutoring and thus requests a high leve of presence at the University.

The Johannes Gutenberg-University of Mainz aims at increasing the percentage o women in academic positions and strongly encourages women scientists to apply Disabled persons will be considered preferentially in the case of equal qualifications

Please address any queries to the Director of the Helmholtz-Institute Mainz Professor Dr. Frank Maas (e-mail: maas [at] uni-mainz [dot] de).

Qualified candidates are asked to submit their application including the usua supporting documents (curriculum vitae, copy of diplomas, description of teaching activities, list of publications, list of successful third-party grant applications and an outline of current and future research activities, as well as reprints of thei five most important publications to the dean of the faculty:

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Dekan des Fachbereichs 08
- Physik, Mathematik und Informatik -,
Staudingerweg 7, 55099 Mainz, Germany

not later than 30 April 2011.

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