Professor of Physics

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Université de Sherbrooke
30 November, 2015


Université de Sherbrooke Sherbrooke
45° 23' 31.0668" N, 71° 52' 25.3992" W

The Université de Sherbrooke was recently awarded a $33,5M grant from the Canada First Research Excellence Fund and $8M from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation to become a world leader in research and education that takes advantage of the unique synergies offered by its existing strengths in quantum materials, quantum information, and quantum engineering. The Physics department at Université de Sherbrooke invites applications for junior or senior Faculty positions with a strong research profile in one or more of these areas or at their interface.

The new professor is expected to be able within one year to teach in French at the undergraduate and/or graduate level and his/her research program, either in experimental or theoretical physics, will reinforce or broaden the research areas already in place in the department. The 14 faculty of the department conduct research in the following areas: Superconductivity, strongly correlated electrons, topologically ordered materials, magnetism, quantum algorithms, quantum error-correction, superconducting qubits, quantum-enhanced metrology, solid-state spin qubits, photonics, and mesoscopic physics. In addition, members of the department maintain strong ties with engineers, whose expertise includes micro-/nano-fabrication, cold electronics, single-electron transistors, packaging and integration. Many faculty are members of the following networks: RQMP (Regroupement Québécois sur les Matériaux de Pointe), INTRIQ (INstitut TRansdisciplinaire d'Informatique Quantique), CIFAR (Quantum Materials and Quantum Information Processing programs). They have access to world-class computing resources and facilities for nanotechnologies, materials and device characterization.


Research and teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels (in French one year after installment).
Supervision of graduate students (MSc and PhD levels)
Participation in university life; service to the community


PhD in Physics and postdoctoral experience
A strong research program and research leadership qualities
Strong pedagogical and communications qualities, and a serious interest in teaching

For more information, please see:



Please send a CV, with a cover letter containing a short description of the research program and a statement of vision on teaching. Arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly. The material must be sent to

Pr Serge Jandl, Dean
Offre d'emploi no 02279
Faculté des sciences
Université de Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke (Québec)
Canada  J1K 2R1
doyensci [at] usherbrooke [dot] ca

Only material received on November 30th, 2015 or before will be considered.

Working conditions follow the collective agreement between professors and the University. The University follows the principle of equal access for women. Amongst equally qualified candidates, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. The University supports equal employment opportunity for women, visible minorities, members of first nations and the disabled.

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