PostDoc position in Quantum Coherent control

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The Hebrew University
5 September, 2018


The Hebrew University Jerusalem 91904
We announce the opening of a post-doc position at the Hebrew University in
Jerusalem, Israel. The research topic is quantum coherent control  with
applications to quantum computing goals realised with NV centres in diamond and trapped ions. The ideal candidate should have
a PhD degree in Physics or Applied Mathematics.
The theoretical work of the PostDoc will be focused on the following subjects: 
(1) Quantum Coherent control with the goal to improve quantum gates realised with trapped ions.
(2) Application of coherent control to achieve fast optical manipulations of colour centres in diamond.
The research will be conducted in collaboration with Prof. Ronnie Kosloff and Prof. Alex Retzker. 
Theoretical proposals will be developed towards experimental realisations in collaboration with experimental groups.
Position summary: Full-time temporary employment. The Postdoctoral studies are limited to a maximum of four years.  Monthly salary is 11000 - 12000 NIS which will be funded  by and ERC consolidator grant.
PhD Degree in Physics, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, or equivalent
Contact person: Prof. Ronnie Kosloff (kosloff1948 [at] gmail [dot] com) and Prof. Alex Retzker(retzker [at] phys [dot] huji [dot] ac [dot] il),